Orange County NC Website
<br />Commissioner Jacobs attended the HSAC forum an homelessness. It was well <br />attended. One of the speakers from the NC Policy Watch spoke about haw the State did not <br />face so much fiscal crisis, but a crisis of leadership. <br />Commissioner Jacobs also attended the Solid Waste Wark Group meeting and they are <br />going to meet for 3.5 hours in October to try to get proposals to elected boards early next year. <br />He found it interesting that there is a huge tonnage of plastic film that is disposed of in this <br />County. There may be a possibility of recovering this in the future. He would like a presentation <br />on this to the Board of County Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Jacobs attended a meeting of the Agriculture Center Planning Group. He <br />found out that the Farm Service Agency moved its Durham people to Orange County and now it <br />is planning to move its Alamance County people to Orange County. There is already a space <br />crunch in the Planning building. He does not know if the federal government is planning to bring <br />funds along with employees. The space needs group should discuss this quickly and find out <br />what kind of monies are available to provide space. He wants to ask this agency about its plan. <br />Jahn Link said that he has not heard about this and they will check into this. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the Business Expo is next Monday at the Sheraton in <br />Chapel Hill from 1-7 p.m. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he agrees with many of the comments from <br />Commissioner Halkiotis about energy conservation. He thinks the Board needs more of a focus <br />and a sense of urgency that this is our priority. He wants to do some creative thinking and be <br />mare conscious about putting matters to the fare. <br />Commissioner Foushee thanked everyone who attended and participated in the HSAC <br />forum last week. She hopes to change the focus from the maintenance and management of <br />homelessness to a true plan for ending homelessness. <br />Commissioner Gordon agreed with Commissioners Halkiatis and Jacabs on the energy <br />conservation comments. She would like a short report on the use of alternative fueled vehicles <br />by Orange County and both school systems. <br />Commissioner Gordon reported that the DCHC TAC approved its 2006-2012 MTIP and <br />had concentrated an the first three years. She read today that the CAMPO has not passed their <br />2006-2012 TIP. The DCHC TAC decided to go ahead and pass it and then move on to the <br />2007-2013 TIP and to try to work out some of the DOT issues in the last four years of the TIP.. <br />Regarding the US 15-501 transit corridor realignment recommendation, there is controversy <br />about whether the realignment should be changed or not. Durham City and County both want <br />the change, but it moves the corridor toward I-40 and it is more miles. Chapel Hill was quite <br />concerned about this change. Chapel Hill, Durham City, Durham County, and TTA are going to <br />have to agree to the changes before the Memorandum of Agreement is adopted. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there was a request from TTA for full voting status on <br />the TAC. It was referred to the attorney. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she and Commissioner Jacobs went to the Durham- <br />Chapel Hill Work Group and they also discussed the transit corridor alignment in Southwest <br />Durham County. There was also discussion on the Erwin Trace Memorandum of Agreement. <br />Chair Carey made reference to a project called the High Five Project, which is a joint <br />project of the JohnsonM/ake/DurhamlOrange/Chapel Hill-Carrbora school boards whereby they <br />have come together to eliminate dropouts by the year 2013. This project is supported by five <br />businesses in the Triangle area that have given $100,000 each over the next five years. <br />Chair Carey said that First Baptist in Manley Estates has been selected to receive the <br />2005 Housing Award by the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency. The Board of County <br />Commissioners helped get this project started. <br />Chair Carey said that the County Commissioners received a copy of a letter from the <br />Town of Hillsborough requesting a joint task force for historic preservation. This will be <br />discussed at one of the joint meetings. <br />