Orange County NC Website
<br />Planning Director Craig Benedict said that this is a two-step process. The Board can <br />accept the petition for roadway closing tonight and then proceed in the steps outlined. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />accept the petition to abandon a 0.27-mile portion of SR 1571, Pleasant Green Community <br />Center Raad, from the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Secondary Road <br />Maintenance Program. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Employee Health Insurance for 2446 <br />The Board was to consider renewal of employee health insurance plans through the <br />North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC} Health Insurance Trust effective <br />January 1, 2006. <br />DEFERRED <br />c. upaaie on riannea 5oiia vvasie operations renter on tupanKS rtoaa <br />The Board discussed the status of the Board of Commissioners' proposed connection of <br />the planned Solid Waste Management operations Center (to be constructed in 2006 on <br />Eubanks Road} to the Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) water and sewer systems. <br />Rod Visser said that the Board has already approved a contract with the architect on this <br />facility on Eubanks Road. The design of the facility is moving forward. The Board determined <br />in the spring that it would be useful to include in the facility a large enough meeting space to <br />accommodate large group meetings of up to 75 people. The County Commissioners adopted a <br />resolution that indicated to the partners in the Water and Sewer Boundary Agreement, that the <br />County would request that OWASA extend water and sewer service to this property, even <br />though it is just inside the rural buffer, because of its status as a potential public facility. The <br />Chair wrote a letter to each jurisdiction over the summer asking for comments. None of the <br />boards have taken specific actions since the Assembly of Governments meeting is coming up. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if all jurisdictions had to approve this and Geof Gledhill <br />said na, but OWASA has to agree to extend the utilities. He has heard that no one disagrees <br />with the fact that it would be an essential public facility. They do want to talk about whether this <br />plan would be better addressed by amending the zoning map far the joint planning area to <br />include this land and amending the transition area. They also want to talk about the design of <br />the system. The County has a plan for serving this property with a force main system and <br />OWASA may not agree to that. <br />Commissioner Gordon verified that all jurisdictions do not have to agree about sending <br />water into the rural buffer, but they do have to agree about amending the JPA zoning map. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked staff for a copy of the JPA Water and Sewer Boundary <br />Agreement. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that at the Solid Waste planning meeting, an official from one <br />of the jurisdictions thought this was the opportunity to provide a tremendous amount of sewer <br />capacity to serve the entire Rogers Road area. He understood that this was just to extend <br />sewer across the street. The County needs to be clear where the proposed sewer line is and <br />how minimal it is. <br />Chair Carey asked if the Board agreed that this was an essential public facility and <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she disagrees, and does not want to extend water and sewer to <br />this facility because it is in the rural buffer. <br />d. Appointments <br />{1) Unified Transportation Advisary Board -Initial Appointments <br />The Board was to consider making initial appointments to the Unified Transportation <br />Advisory Board. <br />