Orange County NC Website
<br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that this is a Spartan budget to build a building of this size. <br />He thinks the building has more expectations than the budget would allow. He asked how the <br />building would be outfitted. Barbara Baker said that they are setting aside State equipment <br />money. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that the County is responsible for maintenance and energy <br />bills. He asked about the HVAC system and if it would be compatible with the other systems in <br />the County. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that Ken Redfoot has put in a lot for CHCCS and the Town <br />of Chapel Hill in regards to green building policies. He wants Orange County to have green <br />building policies. He asked if there would be anything educational about the building in how it <br />runs that can become part of the training program. He said that the media center is basically <br />"light locked" and there would be no natural light. Ken Redfoot said that the library will get <br />"borrowed light" from the hallways and the classrooms. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis encouraged Ken Redfoot to look at all options that would make <br />the building a tool, like Smith Middle School. He thinks this is a paltry budget for a building this <br />size. <br />Ken Redfoot said that they are going to be using a bright white roofing, a bio-retention <br />area, drought resistant native plants, occupancy sensors for light fixtures, and a variable air <br />volume HVAC system. They will be looking at ways to reduce the impact of fan usage. They <br />will also be using high efficiency gas boilers. They will have to da a life cycle budget analysis. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he is unclear about the process and if the County <br />Commissioners are just providing comments. Barbara Baker said that the State law says that <br />the building belongs to the college and while there is not a time for the County Commissioners <br />to vote on this, they want input from the County. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he has same concerns. There is no solar component to <br />this. He does not mind costing out some of the green building items to see if the County could <br />afford it. He wants to live by their principles and build buildings that reflect them. He wants to <br />promote public transportation and not have so many parking spaces. He would also like to have <br />fewer small buildings and more tall buildings. He is also distressed that the windows do not <br />open. He read some information about how keeping windows open helps conserve energy. <br />He said that he would be glad to came and address the Board of Trustees of Durham Tech. <br />Barbara Baker said that they waste a lot of energy at their present building with open <br />windows, but they will look at this. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis echoed Commissioner Jacobs's concerns about inoperable <br />windows. He agrees with keeping windows closed for energy efficiency, but he does not believe <br />in buildings with inoperable windows. This is a safety issue. <br />Commissioner Foushee offered her support in looking into other conservation <br />alternatives. She likes the suggestion of multi-story buildings. <br />Commissioner Gordon echoed the comments of the others. She asked if Orange <br />County was considered an agency in this process. Ken Redfoot said that the agencies involved <br />include Durham Tech, Orange County, the State Construction Office, and DOT. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that Orange County is a funding agency. She hopes that <br />the answers to their questions come back to them so that they can submit informed comments. <br />She hopes this is not the last time to review this design and to give their comments. She wants <br />to get a full report back. She asked what kind of bus would be the public transportation -OPT <br />or TTA. She thinks those two agencies should be involved. Regarding the needs assessment, <br />the Board of County Commissioners needs to see things written down and they need to know <br />how many students are going to be served at this site. She said that this does not appear to be <br />an environmentally responsible building as proposed. <br />Commissioner Gordan said that she recalled that Orange County was going to have <br />representation on the Board of Trustees. There are certain ways that Orange County operates <br />