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trained and ready to ga. She said another training session is planned for next weekend <br />and there are 90 people signed up to participate. There are also case workers working <br />everyday assisting the families as they came to the Red Crass and they are asking all <br />non-profits who have anyone show up at their offices to direct them to the Red Crass. <br />The Red Cross is the point of entry for assistance for FEMA, as well as the Red Cross. <br />She said that the process is for the Red Cross to house evacuees initially for 14 days; if <br />they have to go to hotels, then they need to seek authorization to extend that for another <br />14 days. The Red Cross can also assist with the first month's rent for those who have <br />found apartments or housing. She said that the community has been very supportive. <br />Chair Carey asked about intakes and Rosetta Wash said that they are all taking <br />place at their office in Chapel Hill for Orange County and they are working closely with <br />DSS. Once the evacuees are in the system, they are eligible far FEMA assistance, but <br />this must be done through the Red Cross. <br />Jahn Link commended Rosetta Wash and the Red Cross. He also asked <br />Rosetta Wash if the Red Cross was getting people coming into Orange County on their <br />own ar are we getting evacuees through Wake County. <br />Rosetta Wash said that mast of the people they have assisted are coming in an <br />their own, as opposed to thorough Wake County. She said they are looking to <br />coordinate services with Wake County. <br />Chair Carey asked about training for volunteers and Rosetta Wash said that the <br />Red Cross had waived same of the eligibility requirements for training in order to <br />expedite more volunteers faster. It is a full day training and covers shelter operations, <br />first-aid, intake, haw to assist with mental health issues, etc. <br />Chair Carey said that he had heard that $72,000 had flawed through the Red <br />Crass and Rosetta Wash said it all camas through to the American Red Cross and then <br />the money is designated for Hurricane Katrina relief. <br />Joe Robbins thanked the Board of County Commissioners for their time and for <br />the $50,000 that was delegated for Child Care subsidies this year. They are trying to get <br />sponsorships from churches and other organizations to stretch the money even further. <br />He also said that they have improved their outreach and information efforts both through <br />participation in local events and through their new website and various written <br />publications such as the annual report. In addition to the basic work they are looking for <br />innovative ways to promote self-sufficiency such as providing social work staff in Orange <br />County schools, implementing multiple responses in Child Protective Services, seeking <br />ways to serve foster children and working with other partners on treatment issues for <br />families with children with mental health issues. <br />Joe Robbins said that another problem they feel needs to be addressed is the <br />issue of staff turnover. He said that inefficiencies are showing up in the operations. He <br />said that the staff never complains but the Board recognizes that staff is stretched. The <br />DSS Board is putting this on their agenda to discuss how to reduce the number of <br />turnovers. <br />Chair Carey asked what areas of Social Services has the greatest amount of <br />staff turnover <br />DSS Director Nancy Coston said that this is consistent in both public assistance <br />and other areas. She said that about three years ago there were some issues in the <br />child welfare area but that has leveled off. She thinks that the least number of vacancies <br />they have had is 10. <br />2. Alternatives to Sheaffer House <br />