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development rights would be relinquished with the exception of potential walking trails, <br />maintenance structures for the arboretum, and a potential future visitor or educational center. <br />Four other families in this immediate area have also granted conservation easements to the <br />County, making the total 515 acres. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that this is a life work of the Keith's and will be a long time <br />asset of the County. He made reference to item 2.5 on page 11, Recreational Use, and it says <br />that the foundation can have organized recreational use. He asked if access could be <br />coordinated with the County so that all citizens have the opportunity to visit the property when i <br />is open for recreational uses. <br />Geof Gledhill said that conservation easements typically do not allow owners to go on <br />land except far monitoring purposes. He said that the Board can approve this and then staff <br />can work on this idea. <br />Rich Shaw said that Mr. Keith intends to allow people to visit the property. A visitor's <br />center may be constructed. <br />Chair Carey asked if there could be an operational agreement and Geof Gledhill said <br />that there could be a separate contract to involve the County with the property. He will think <br />about it. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he is comfortable with this. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to item 2.5, number 6 and said that it seemed <br />pretty clear that there was no right of access by the general public. She wonders about the <br />recreational use and how it would work. She said that it was unusual to have the visitor's <br />center, which would probably have a fee attached to it. <br />The staff will work on the operational agreement language. <br />Geof Gledhill said that if the Board takes action, it is not contingent on the collateral <br />agreement. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that they should proceed. He spoke with Dr. Keith, and his <br />primary motivation is to have this have a long life after he is gone. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Halkiatis to <br />approve the resolution approving the purchase of a conservation easement for land owned by <br />Dr. Charles Keith to protect natural area and open space associated with Pickard's Mountain <br />and Morgan Creek (Bingham Township} and authorize the Chair and the Clerk to sign the <br />conservation easement agreement, subject to final review by staff and the County Attorney. <br />The motion includes having a good faith conversation with Dr. Keith about the recreational use. <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />RESOLUTION <br />Approval of a Conservation Easement Between <br />Orange County and Dr. Charles Keith <br />WHEREAS, Orange County has adopted goals promoting the preservation of natural areas, <br />wildlife habitat, farmland and open space in the County; and <br />