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",-x-lher Stu-dy-CArd <br /> BALLETTOLKLO"Co <br /> ABOUT THE COMPANY <br /> The full name of this spectacular folk <br /> danceeompany is the Balletfolklorico <br /> Mexico de Los Hermanos Avila, <br /> founded in 1974 by Carmen and Jesus <br /> Avila (sister and brother) ,vho are still <br /> performing with the company, Joined <br /> by a second and third generation of <br /> Avilas, Jesus is the director while <br /> Armando Contreras is choreographer, <br /> costume designer and artistic director. <br /> The authentic traditional regalia, lavish <br /> and colorful, are an important part of <br /> the showas they transform the energetic <br /> dancers from one scene to another,The <br /> majestic costumes are syrribolic and <br /> are adorned with beads, suede, and <br /> colorful pheasant tails, some of which <br /> are six and a half feet in length. <br /> The Ballet Folklorico Mexico has been <br /> recognized by U.S. and Mexican <br /> officials as one of the most exciting ABOUT THE PERFORMANCE A9DOyear pilgrimage to find asymbol <br /> groups presenting authertic regional <br /> dances of Mexico. The group has The program includes historic dances that would tell the people where to <br /> received r � build their empire, ended when a <br /> proclamations and from Azteca, Michoacan, Guer- band of Aztecs discovered an island <br /> commendations from t.,.ie State of rero, Sonora, Jalisco, and other on which they sawan eagle devouring <br /> Wisconsin,as well as from the Mexican regions of Mexico,as well as,dances <br /> Government Tourism (Dffice. The dedicated to the"soldaderas,"the aserpent overa cactus.The island in <br /> dancers consider themselves multi- courageous women who su 1ported Lake Texcoco was inhabited byAzte,: <br /> cultural ambassadors from around the and even fought alongside the men men and women, where they <br /> world. Many of the dancers are college during the Mexican revolution. Re- celebrated life(with their Gods)with <br /> students, some come from Mexico gional dances reflect the un que tra- magnificent rituals and ceremonies, <br /> Puerto Rico and from as far as Japan and dition of a great country where many in wl-lich music and dance were key <br /> China.While the home base of the group groupswere physically isolated from elernents. Elaborate feathered outfits <br /> is in Madison Wisconsin, some one another,yet shared for the most were thought to provide mystical <br /> p Y, The Ballet transcends cultural influ- <br /> members have performed in German pant, language and common spirit. communication with the Gods. <br /> Russia and Mexico.The darcersperform ences from around the world. <br /> rigorously and in great precision Mexico is a land of many faces. It has Zapateados are dances enjoyed <br /> practicing four to five day-) a week. PlOunta ns and beaches, deserts throughout the state of Guerrero, <br /> and tropical rainforests,un nhavited They reflect the rhythm of people <br /> The Ballet was created to preseNe wilderness and one of th--, largest willing to express the joy of life with <br /> Mexican folk dances. It, a so, serves as cities in the world. Food music, all theirstrength.InthestateofSonora, <br /> a means to provides others with the dress and dance vary frog one re the Yaqui Indians perform their <br /> opportunity to appreciire diversity pion toanotF per,even from vlage to elaborate Deer Dance before <br /> among cultures. village beginning the hunt. <br />