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Classroom Activities : <br /> Create Your Own Historical Play! Design a Flag! <br /> This activity incorporates creative thinking, This activity incorporates creative thinking, visual <br /> knowledge of history, writing, and performance! arts, and writing! <br /> 1. Break students into small groups. Have each 1. Have students pull out the paper and the cray- <br /> group develop a short play from other historical ons or colored pencils. <br /> events that they have studied this year. Some 2.Create a personal flag that includes <br /> ideas could be: George Washington becom- picturesor symbols of things that are important <br /> ing president,the Native Americans and the Pil- to you. Be creative! <br /> grims working together, expeditions to explore 3. Have each student create a new flag for the <br /> the Western United States, or events specific United States of America. Have them write a <br /> to your state's history! short description of the flag they have drawn. <br /> 2.Discuss all the things that make a play pos- Talk about why the student made his/her spe- <br /> sible. Have each group think about how cos- cific choices. <br /> tumes, props, and the set could help bring their <br /> new story to life. If there's time, try to create <br /> some of these props or costume pieces from Se t 131 • <br /> everyday items! Aftendin eatre ry diff han going to <br /> 3. Have each group think about and practice the movie or one thing, <br /> how the people in their story move and talk. he actors a hear and e <br /> Voila! The beginning steps of performing a play It's <br /> have been accomplished! This is the same impo a play: <br /> work our actors do when preparing for a role in P ng the per- <br /> a play! ar <br /> 4.Time for perfor;ma' F14h <br /> * ind t otheV <br /> perform their short em r <br /> � g if h! <br /> dents about,being g o audience members <br /> while thqot their friends onstage! u like y, to clap nd. <br /> at else can y add to the t? <br />