Minutes - 20050829
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20050829
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8/3/2012 9:53:54 AM
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8/13/2008 2:34:16 PM
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Paul Thames said that In regards to the waste water system a great deal of <br />time was spent in 2004 trying to figure out exactly what kind of technology was needed for <br />an enhanced system. They calculated, based on current environmental health regulations <br />and on projected uses in the park, that they needed about 6,000 gallons a day. They <br />have selected Advantex. The Advantex units will be located across the road from the <br />existing Northern Human Services property. This consists primarily of about three units 3 <br />112 feet deep, 16 feet long, and 8 feet wide which is a fairly small footprint. Only about <br />one foot will be above ground, mast will be in ground, which provides insulation for the <br />water going through, and it makes it much easier for landscaping. They will use the <br />existing pump station and septic tanks on the west side of the school building; put in a <br />new 18,000-gallon septic tank. He said that monitoring wells will be placed on the down <br />stream slope and nitrification fields along the upstream slope which gives you a base line <br />condition for ground water and they will be able to see if anything might run into it off site. <br />The projected cost is about $250,000 dollars, which should be completed and operational <br />by next June. <br />Commissioner Foushee asked if there are examples of the Advantex technology <br />being used in North Carolina. Paul Thames said that he felt sure there are since the <br />Advantex system is preapproved for use in North Carolina. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked Paul Thames to explain what they are doing with <br />the treated liquid product in the end and where it is going to be discharged. Paul Thames <br />stated that it would be discharged in a subsurface nitrification field. The technology is <br />exactly the same as they are using now except the field will be three times the size. It <br />won't be sprayed. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked what the yield of the new well is and Paul <br />said that in a 24 hour draw down they get 38 gallons per minute. Commissioner <br />Halkiotis said he remembered being in a meeting at the Cedar Grove United Methodist <br />Church many years ago and the sinks in the bathrooms were terribly stained from the <br />high iron content of the water. Paul Thames said that the existing well does not have an <br />iron problem. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if staff is planning to do a public information session <br />in this area before this technology is installed. <br />Paul Thames said that they have had meetings inviting the community to talk <br />about the park and building. They have had some fairly extensive discussions with <br />these citizens that attended including a homeowner on the north side of the system and <br />at least one citizen on the down slope side of the system. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he felt these homeowners would have more <br />questions and it would be nice to have some drawings of haw this is going to look and <br />how far from the property lines the structures will be and why they are not extending <br />water and sewer to the building. He said that the other question would be are they <br />planning on using any of the money Congressman David Price got for the County. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said this money was available far Orange County to use either in <br />Efland, Mebane (in the Economic Development district}, or at the Northern Center. <br />Paul Thames said that one disadvantage of using this money at Northern is that <br />they would have to go through the Construction Loan and Grants program for design <br />approval which would add another layer of regulation which would mean another layer of <br />time. The other thing is that the Construction Loan and Grants program is for water and <br />sewer and not on-site waste treatment. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if the money for this project was already budgeted <br />and Paul Thames said that he understands that it is. Commissioner Jacobs stated that <br />since they told Congressman Price that it might go into this project, they might want to <br />do a written analysis of why they chose to do it this way. <br />
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