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anywhere from the most restricted on down would be presented at the public hearing. For <br />example, Little River is presently 2 acres per dwelling unit -they would say from 2 acres per <br />dwelling unit to 1 unit per five acres -from what the existing plan is to up to five acres per <br />dwelling unit. Craig Benedict said that the notice they send out to residents will be specific to <br />their areas, and also that they will mention that this is a countywide initiative. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the zoning implementation amendments are included <br />and she feels that this is too much far residents to hear at one time. It appears premature to <br />put the zoning implementation amendments into the public hearing when there is such a range <br />of discussion. She understands that they did not want to surprise people about what the <br />zoning implementation might be. She suggested that maybe staff could put into the land use <br />plan the information about the residential density reduction and she assumes that those <br />zoning implementation amendments would also have to have this gamut of non-specific <br />language. <br />Craig Benedict said they would have to give the range also. The Board has expressed <br />to them that if they have some land use amendments they want to bring both up so nothing is <br />lost in translation between land use issues and the implementing zone regulation. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that to come up with the promise or threat that they could <br />implement this on the first zoning amendments presentation is a recipe far disaster. She <br />would like to see public hearing be the draft test for this range of options and then have <br />another hearing if they have consensus. Commissioner Gordon asked if the principles they <br />have are the ones the Board of County Commissioners approved and Craig Benedict said yes. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis seconded Commissioner Cordon's concerns about loading too <br />much upfront. He would also prefer seeing "early" taken off and just leave 2006. They need <br />to slow it down to review this and make sure everyone fully understands what is going on here. <br />Commissioner Jacobs and Commissioner Foushee concurred. <br />4. Orange CountylHillsborough Urban Transition Area Task Force Report - To provide <br />the Board with a status report of the Orange CountyJHillsborough Urban Transition Area Task <br />Force report and consultant search. <br />Craig Benedict said this had been completed and Orange County has allocated money <br />to help Hillsborough with a consultant. Presently the Tawn of Hillsborough is defining the <br />scope of deliverables for their part of the program and joint interests have been identified by <br />the Planning Department -where there is joint interest, what the limits of the service area are, <br />what the potential for expansion is, what the consistency between land use in Hillsborough <br />and in the transition areas is. Craig Benedict said that staffs have been working together <br />before the consultant comes on board. <br />Commissioner Jacobs introduced Margaret Hauth, Planning Director for the Town of <br />Hillsborough. <br />Craig Benedict said that they have been working well with other recommendations of <br />the task force beyond what the consultant is going to do about their review. <br />5. Local Government Cooperative Planning - To report on the activities of the Eflandl <br />Mebane Small Area Plan Task Force. <br />a} Mebane -Craig Benedict said that this week the County Manager and he will have a <br />meeting with Mebane to continue forging ahead with improved communication with the <br />projects going on within Mebane. He said that there are13 plus lots that have been bisected <br />by the ever-moving AlamanceJOrange County line. They had a discussion last week with the <br />Department of Transportation, Commissioner Halkiotis and Commissioner Jacobs about haw <br />they can include Orange County when they get some indication of a project on the counties' <br />border area. <br />bj Durham - To consider topics of mutual interest for future discussion with Durham <br />City/County. <br />Craig Benedict said that they have the courtesy review process in place but it needs <br />fine-tuning and there is interest with Durham to begin a small area planning group. The <br />