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The Board considered receiving the tax collector's annual settlement on current and <br />delinquent taxes and approving the accounting thereof. <br />Commissioner Gordon wanted to highlight the excellent rate of collection by the staff. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />receive the tax collector's settlement as reported and entered upon the minutes. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked Tax Collector Jo Roberson about the legislature passing <br />something regarding lumping property and automobile taxes. Jo Roberson said that the State <br />passed a change in the registered motor vehicle billing process. It will not take effect until <br />January 1, 2009. At that time, the vehicle tax will be collected at the time the license plate is <br />renewed and will no longer be billed and collected at the County level. The County will still be <br />involved in the pricing and value issues. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the State will collect the tax and will take an <br />administrative fee, and will distribute the remaining portions to the County, unless the Governor <br />decides to keep it. Jo Roberson said that she thinks the bill protects the revenue to keep the <br />Governor from doing anything else with it. <br />Commissioner Jacobs would like to know what the projected administrative fee from the <br />State might be versus what the County is not collecting now. Jo Roberson will look into this. <br />Commissioner Jacobs would also like to see the difference between the projected 3R <br />revenue and what has been collected. Jo Roberson gave credit to the staff in her office, and <br />also the Solid Waste and Tax Assessor's offices in helping the citizens understand what this fee <br />was about. <br />u. Opposition to Proposed Federal Regulation Legislation To End Local Cable <br />Franchise Fees <br />The Board received information on pending legislation before Congress that would <br />abolish local cable franchise fees and considered authorizing the Chair to send a formal letter of <br />opposition from the BOCC to Representative Price, Senators Dole and Burr, and members of <br />the Senate Commerce Committee. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked Gwen Harvey to summarize this. <br />Gwen Harvey said that Chad Johnston from the People's Channel is here. The <br />immediate impact is that this will eliminate the franchise fees that local governments are able to <br />earn. For Orange County, this amounts to about $250,000 a year. There is concern about this <br />legislation and there is hope that this will be defeated. Commissioner Gordan said that this <br />could potentially also abolish all zoning of cell towers. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that if people want to weigh in on this, they can write their <br />legislators. There is a model letter to oppose this legislation. The letter can be accessed on the <br />County's website. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />authorize the Chair to send a formal letter of apposition proposing federal regulation legislation <br />to end local cable franchise fees from the BOCC to Representative Price, Senators Dole and <br />Burr, and members of the Senate Commerce Committee. <br />UOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />6. Resolutions or Proclamations <br />7. Special Presentations <br />a. Active Seniors Assessment Project Results <br />