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A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Halkiatis to <br />approve contracts between Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools, Orange County Schools, and the <br />Health Department for School Nurse Funding and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />o. Ratification of Application for Interoperable Communications Technology Grant <br />The Board considered support of a regional grant application to the United States <br />Department of Justice for the purchase of interaperable communications console equipment for <br />the 9-1-1 Center and for portable 800 MHz radios; committing to providing matching funds if the <br />grant is awarded; and authorizing staff to administer and sign all grant paperwork as may be <br />required. <br />Commissioner Gordan asked for clarification on this grant. Rod Visser said that they are <br />trying to look for grant funding for their communications infrastructure. They have already <br />solicited a number of grants, including some money that Congressman Price was able to secure <br />on the County's behalf. This opportunity came after the summer break in June, so staff <br />submitted it after consulting with the Chair and Vice-Chair. He said that if they were successful, <br />they would propose to have matching funds from the fund balance. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked that, in the future, far the staff to inform all members of the <br />Board of County Commissioners of actions like this, as soon as the actions are taken. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />ratify the grant application; commit to providing matching funds if the grant is awarded; and <br />authorize staff to administer and sign all grant paperwork such as may be required. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Chair Carey said that the time was of the essence in this case. He and the Vice-Chair <br />thought it was appropriate to mane ahead. Commissioner Gordon said that she just wanted to <br />be informed in a timely manner when actions like this are taken.. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that the fund balance referenced is from the 9-1-1 <br />surcharges. <br />r. Joint fJrange Chatham Community Action Agency (JOCCA) - FY05-06 County <br />Contribution <br />The Board received information regarding the fiscal soundness of JOCCA and <br />considered its ability to meet performance expectations under a service agreement with the <br />County in FY05-06. <br />Commissioner Gordan asked what Chatham County ended up doing with this. Jahn <br />Link said that he talked with the Manager from Chatham County, and they will most likely re-visit <br />their appropriation to JOCCA in the near future. <br />Assistant County Manager Gwen Harvey said that they were intending to put together a <br />committee that would include the Chatham County Finance Director and a Chatham County <br />Commissioner to meet with the JOCCA Executive Director to review this within this fiscal year. <br />Chair Carey said that the Manager and he met with the Chair and Vice Chair of the <br />Chatham County Commissioners a couple of weeks ago and he said that they have some <br />issues with JOCCA that Orange County does not have, and that Orange County should not <br />base its decision an what other counties do. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />receive the staff reports and authorize execution of the performance agreement with JOCCA. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />t. Tax Collector's Annual Settlement <br />