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referendum. Commissioner Gordon said that the paint is that they don't know if the OCS <br />residents want this or not so they should put it to a vote by the OCS district voters. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said he is happy with a maximum of $.10 on the ballot. Chair Carey <br />asked Commissioner Halkiotis if he wanted to make this a part of the referendum and he said <br />yes. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis restated and amended his original motion, which was seconded by <br />Commissioner Gordon, to call a special referendum election for a tax to be levied and collected <br />on all of the taxable property within the Orange County School District at a rate not to exceed <br />$.10 {10 cents) per One Hundred Dollars ($100) of property valuation to be used to supplement <br />funds from the State and county allotments to the Orange County School Administrative Unit <br />and thereby operate schools of a higher standard. <br />VOTE: 4 yeas (Commissioners Foushee, Gordon, Halkiotis and Jacobs} <br />1 nay {Commissioner Carey) <br />The Board agreed to extend the meeting to address item 9-b. <br />b. Actions Related to Planned Acquisition of Triangle SportsPlex Property <br />The Board reviewed and/or provided direction regarding several elements of the Board's <br />Decision to acquire the Triangle SportsPlex property. <br />Rod Visser re-capped the recommendations. The Board approved in June a contract to <br />acquire the Triangle Sportsplex property, which includes 16 acres, including the building and <br />equipment. This contract has since been signed by the Chair and the representative of Eaton <br />Vance, the current owner of the Sportsplex. They are now in a 60-day "free look" period. This <br />gives an opportunity for some additional due diligence work. He read the recommendation as <br />stated in the agenda abstract and below with the motion. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked if the proposal from Corley Redfoot Zack includes the <br />design of the new construction and renovations and Rod Visser said yes. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he assumes that there are no liens in Massachusetts. <br />Geof Gledhill said that in order for a suit to affect this property, it would have to be filed in <br />Orange County unless there is a bankruptcy. They will use whatever means necessary to <br />determine whether there has been a bankruptcy. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the financially agreed upon procedures and <br />"management representations." Geof Gledhill said that this refers to them having everything in <br />order and certifying there is no fraud and nothing is being hidden. He said that the people who <br />own this company do not know haw the company has been operated. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the steps outlined seem reasonable, but a sticking point <br />for her is that they cannot get the audit. She read the paragraph that explains why they cannot <br />get the audit. There is no reason that they should not give the County the audit. She wants to <br />see this move forward, but she wants to ask for an audit. <br />The representative from Blackman and Sloop said that an audit would be more <br />encompassing, but with the agreed upon procedures, they would focus more on what the Board <br />wants in the purchase. She said that they have met with management at the Sportsplex, and <br />they have been very cooperative in opening up records. The scope of the audit is limited and <br />they cannot get an unqualified opinion. <br />John Link said that they can try again with the audit, but he thinks they should be <br />expeditious with the other parts. Commissioner Halkiotis agreed. <br />