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they received. She thinks that we should have some type of OCS tax that would provide more <br />money to this school system and she has wrestled with the idea of whether it should be a <br />county-wide supplemental tax district or a district tax. She thinks it is important far the OCS to <br />have its own tax and for the CHCCS to have its own tax so each school district has the <br />autonomy to ask the Board of County Commissioners far what they want. She said that if a tax <br />passed, then the Orange County School Board could request up to the maximum that the tax <br />could be levied and the County Commissioners would not levy any more money than what the <br />Orange County School Board would ask. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested capping this tax at 10 cents and she said that this would more <br />than fully fund the OCS's requests that they have turned in over the years. She said that they <br />could fully fund the budget request from the OCS by a tax rate increase of 4-5 cents. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that it is not true that the Board of County Commissioners has not <br />done anything for the OCS. As recently as this past year, the Board assumed the debt for Cedar <br />Ridge High School. The Orange County School Board should have the autonomy to set the <br />maximum amount for the tax and it should be for a district tax and be set at 10 cents. She said <br />that this is the best mechanism now for providing more funds to the OCS and she wants to put it <br />to a vote of the people. <br />Commissioner Foushee agreed with Commissioner Gordon. She has done a list of pros and <br />cons for acounty-wide tax and for an Orange County School District tax and what was most <br />important to her is to give more money to the county district. And the Board has heard from <br />county district residents that they have enough funding and then some say they don't. She said <br />that her opinion is that the OCS district needs more funding. She said that this goes above the <br />level of the Board of Education by affording the residents of this school district an opportunity to <br />determine if they want the tax. For the OCS Board to frame this conversation as if a Board was <br />going to be voting or not for the tax, that is not what they are doing here. We are determining if <br />there will be a referendum on the November ballot to allow the residents to determine if they <br />want a district tax or nat. The Boards need to determine what they mean by equity and to <br />define it or leave it alone. This is a step in the right direction to provide more funding to a school <br />district whose Board believes in years' past that adequate funding has not been made. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that what he hears is that there is a strong voice for no change in <br />the OCS school district and then there is another group that wants equity, which they believe, <br />equals full funding and he thinks that the best way to find out is to ask the residents of the <br />Orange County district. This does not mean that this Board supports or opposes a tax but that <br />they should give OCS district residents the chance to speak. He thinks this Board would like to <br />see if the OCS residents want a tool like the CHCCS residents have at their disposal far <br />addressing some of the funding needs of their school system that have been identified. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that there is a proposal from Commissioner Gordon to put a cap on <br />a tax at ten cents and he believes that there is some wisdom in that because it might be less <br />scary at that amount for the district taxpayers. But he has been persuaded by others that the <br />OCS district will then always be behind and that the thing to do is set the rate at the same rate <br />as the CHCCS, which is capped at $.35. He said he is open to any proposal that the Board <br />would like to put forward. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the problem is that $.35 might be too high to receive a <br />favorable vote in a referendum and $.10 is about twice as much as the average OCS deficit. <br />They could always consider raising it later and send it back to the people for a vote or a <br />