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Commissioner Foushee asked for an estimate on the number of persons who attended <br />the community meeting last night. There were about 20 at the first meeting, and she wandered <br />if the number increased. Rosemary Summers said that there were about 20 people that <br />attended last night. One of the residents, Mr. Rollaway, had taken flyers around to churches to <br />get the word out. She said that some residents are hesitant to say that they have cancer, so <br />they pledged to the community that no individual information would be shared on the data <br />received. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />formally authorize the staff to proceed and approved the transfer of the $21,500 funding from <br />the Social Safety NetlCritical Needs Reserve to address water sampling costs. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />8. Public Hearings -NONE <br />9. Items for Decision--Regular Agenda <br />a. Possible Referendum an Orange <br />The Board considered determining whether or not to conduct a November 8, 2005 <br />referendum implementing either an Orange County Schools (OCS) supplemental district tax or a <br />countywide supplemental schools tax. <br />Jahn Link said that at the June meeting the Board asked the County Attorney, Manager, <br />and staff to respond to a series of questions from the OCS Board and the County <br />Commissioners regarding a school supplemental tax or a countywide supplemental tax and <br />language to be put on a ballot. The capped amount for the tax is the item up for discussion. He <br />gave a PowerPoint presentation. He referred to two letters -August 8t" from the Chair of the <br />OCS Board and today from the Chair of the CHCCS Board. There were also a number of <br />reference items in the agenda packet, including ten- and five-year scenarios. <br />Possible Countywide or Orange County Schools Supplemental School Tax <br />August 16, 2005 <br />Tonight's Topics <br />