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priority funding needs such as education, health, and court related services; and $1 million to <br />address the County's share of Medicaid, fuel, and utility costs. <br />Donna Dean said that the second $1 million for Medicaid, fuel, and utility is not really a <br />reserve but in the departmental budgets. <br />John Link said that the staff anticipated the proposal to reduce the County operating <br />budget and then come back in August. He thinks they can cut $250,000. Whatever cannot be <br />cut would have to come out of fund balance since the budget would have already been adopted <br />before August. He said that they appreciate the 3.5°~ in-range increase. Some of the <br />employees will get the increase in July and some will get it next June because individual <br />WPPRs. Another option is to have the increase the same as the Town of Chapel Hill's of <br />3.78%. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he would have no problem with going to 4% for the in- <br />range. He had Elaine Holmes run some numbers, and starting July 1St with 3.5°~, it would cost <br />$960,000. <br />Cammissioner Jacobs said that there will be $250,000 out of the Social Safety Net, and <br />he thinks that $500,000 could be cut out of the budget without touching the fund balance. <br />Chair Carey explained his proposal as shown below: <br />PROPOSAL FOR ADJUSTMENTS <br />TO MANAGER'S RECOMMENDED BUDGET <br />FOR 2005106 <br />By: Moses Carey, Jr., Chairman <br />REDUCE THE MANAGERS RECOMMENDED BUDGET BY 2 CENTS CONSISTENT <br />WITH THE CUTS HE RECOMMENDED ON PINK SHEETS {column #2) WITH THE <br />EXCEPTION OF THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: <br />1. Do not cut 401 {k} Plan improvements {col. 2, line 4-b} <br />2. Reduce the COLA to 2°~ {move from col. 3, line 4-e to col. 2) <br />Net of + $86,934.00 <br />Net of $86,934.00 + $2,357,900 =Reduction of $2,444,534.00 or 2.05 cents <br />REDUCE CRITICAL NEEDS RESERVE FROM $1,000,000 TO $500,000 <br />Create line items in the Reserve for the following: <br />1. $285,000 for OPC Mental Health <br />2. $25,000 for Orange Alamance Water System Consultant <br />3. $15,000 for Fire and Rescue Strategic Plan Consultant <br />4. $50,000 for Child Care subsidies <br />Total allocation if needed $ 375,000 leaving $125,000 unallocated <br />Net Reduction of $75.00.00 or .06 cents since $425,000 reduction is already in managers <br />recommended cuts <br />TOTAL REDUCTION OF 2.11 CENTS OR $2,519,534 <br />