Minutes - 20050620
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20050620
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8/14/2008 2:38:04 PM
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8/13/2008 2:33:28 PM
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Chair Carey suggested pulling all of these types of agreements with the school systems and <br />organizing them. <br />John Link encouraged the Board to let the County proceed with its half of the resurfacing for <br />citizen usage. It has been an understanding in the past and it can be solidified far the future. <br />He will bring all of the agreements back. <br />Lori Taft said that they did have an agreement and it expired in December, but they are still <br />operating under the terms, which includes that the Recreation and Parks department pays for <br />the lights, assists with some of the supplies, and pay 50% of the capital repairs. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked Lari Taft to bring this contract back on June 23'd <br />1. Space Needs Report <br />2. Facility Needs Report <br />3. Debt Issuance Schedule <br />4. Debt Capacity <br />d. Closed Session <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to go <br />into closed session at 9:45:PM for the purpose of: <br />a. to discuss the County's position and to instruct the County Manager and County <br />Attorney on the negotiating position regarding the terms of a contract to purchase <br />real property," NCGS ; 143-318.11(a}(5}. (SportsPlex} <br />b. to discuss the County's position and to instruct the County Manager and County <br />Attorney on the negotiating position regarding the terms of a contract to purchase <br />real properly, a portion of Annie Freeland's property surrounding and including <br />Orange County's Solid Waste Convenience Center, for solid waste purposes. <br />c. "to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, or fitness of <br />an individual, public officer or employee." NCGS § 143-318.11(a)(6}. <br />The Board reconvened into regular session at 10:55 PM. <br />Donna Dean outlined the updated numbers for the Resolution of Intent: <br />The total current expense appropriation for schools is $49,981,296. The appropriation to <br />the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is $30,373,385 and the appropriations to the Orange <br />County Schools is $19,607,911. The per pupil allocation is approved at $2,796, which reflects a <br />$173 increase. <br />The property tax rate is set at 84.3 cents. <br />The Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School District Tax is 18.34 cents. <br />Commissioner Gordan asked what the pay and benefits plan includes. Donna Dean <br />said that this includes 4% in-range salary increases for proficient or higher work effective far <br />fiscal year 2005-2006; a $5.00 increase in the County 401 k contribution; increase the County's <br />living wage from $9.11 per hour to $9.34 per hour; and elimination of grade 7 in the salary <br />schedule. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked for a calculation of the 6.5-cent increase and what <br />percentage of that is going to school funding, including the debt service. Commissioner Gordon <br />would like to see the overall percentage of the County budget going to schools. <br />
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