2012-231 DEAPR - Fun2Ref for Referee Service FY 12-13 $31,576
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2012-231 DEAPR - Fun2Ref for Referee Service FY 12-13 $31,576
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Last modified
7/24/2012 11:16:17 AM
Creation date
7/24/2012 11:15:01 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
Document Type
Agenda Item
Mgr Signed
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2012-231 S DEAPR - Fun2Ref $31,576
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ii) Provider shall be responsible for all errors or omissions, in the performance of the <br /> Agreement. Provider shall correct any and all errors, omissions, discrepancies, <br /> ambiguities, mistakes or conflicts at no additional cost to the County. <br /> iii) The Provider shall not, except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement, <br /> subcontract the performance of any work under this Agreement without prior <br /> written permission of the County. No permission for subcontracting shall create, <br /> between the County and the subcontractor, any contract or any other relationship. <br /> iv) Provider is an independent contractor of County. Any and all employees of the <br /> Provider engaged by the Provider in the performance of any work or services <br /> required of the Provider under this Agreement, shall be considered employees or <br /> agents of the Provider only and not of the County, and any and all claims that may <br /> or might arise under any workers compensation or other law or contract on behalf <br /> of said employees while so engaged shall be the sole obligation and responsibility <br /> of the Provider. <br /> v) Provider agrees that Provider, its employees, agents and its subcontractors, if any, <br /> shall be required to comply with all federal, state and local antidiscrimination <br /> laws, regulations and policies that relate to the performance of Provider's services <br /> under this Agreement. <br /> vi) If activities related to the performance of this Agreement require specific licenses, <br /> certifications, or related credentials Provider represents that it and/or its <br /> employees, agents and subcontractors engaged in such activities possess such <br /> licenses, certifications, or credentials and that such licenses certifications, or <br /> credentials are current, active, and not in a state of suspension or revocation. <br /> 3. Basic Services <br /> a. Basic Services. The Services to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement are as follows <br /> (fully describe services to be provided): Youth Spring and Fall Soccer League (U8 = <br /> $30.00 per official, U10 = $30.00 per official, U13 and up $35.00 per official), Youth <br /> Volleyball League (U12 = $25.00 per official, U16 = $35.00 per official), Youth Tackle <br /> Football League ($45.00 per official), Youth Winter and Summer Basketball League (all <br /> age groups $26.00 per official), Adult Winter and Summer Basketball League ($30.00 <br /> per official), Adult Spring and Fall Softball League ($25.00 per official). <br /> One official per game accept for the following: Adult Basketball (2), Adult Softball (2), <br /> Football (3), Youth Soccer 11 v11 play (2), and Youth Basketball Midget and Junior <br /> Division (2) per division. A fee of $5.00 additional to the per game rate for all semi- <br /> final and final tournament games for all youth and adult athletic leagues. A single game <br /> rate will be paid at 1.5 normal rate per game. An assigning fee of$200.00 per each adult <br /> league and $275.00 per each youth league with the additional $75.00 for youth league to <br /> go towards a preseason meeting with referees assigned to each individual youth sport <br /> league. <br /> 4. Duration of Services <br /> a. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. <br /> Revised July 2010 <br /> 2 <br />
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