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Commissioner Halkiotis asked about the motor pool increase. Wilbert McAdoo said that <br />this is related to fuel costs. Donna Dean said that they will need to look at the motor pool <br />charge backs, because this has not been adjusted since the high increases in fuel costs. <br />Section 5: <br />Chair Carey asked about Economic Services going from $2.9 million to $3.5 million. <br />Donna Dean said that those are offset to additional revenues. They are related to new positions <br />added (Social Work positions for OCS and others). <br />Social Services Director Nancy Coston said all of their additional operating costs are <br />offset by revenues. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis made reference to the concept of communities in schools and <br />that the original vision was for the school system to provide the building and students and the <br />County provided social workers, nurses, psychological assistance, etc. Then the schools <br />became turf oriented and wanted their own. The County can get these positions at less cost <br />because there is a revenue piece. He argued that both school systems would be foolish not to <br />have Social Services provide social workers. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the proposed cuts to in-home care for seniors and <br />haw this might affect people in Orange County. Nancy Coston said that there are a couple of <br />different proposals. The first one was to cut the number of hours that a person living at home <br />gat for Medicaid far personal care. At this time, some would be hurt by that and same probably <br />would not. The latest proposal is to have a gate keeping approach. This would not be too <br />detrimental. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 5-28 and asked Health Director Rorie <br />Summers about the Healthy Carolinians position that is funded by a grant. Rorie Summers said <br />that this is the Kate B. Reynolds grant and this next year will be year three of the funding for this <br />position. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he thought these positions would be highlighted and <br />brought back separately to see if the Board wanted to fund them. Rorie Summers said that she <br />had brought this to the Manager in the budget presentation and they discussed that this position <br />has had good outcomes. The Manager felt that this position could go forward. John Link said <br />that this position is the coordinator of the program. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that there are other places where there are positions that <br />someone is cutting funding, and the Board is expected to assume the additional costs. He said <br />that if the Board is going to set aside money in the contingency, it is more appropriate to do that <br />than to assuming the costs into the budget. He would like to separate these out. <br />Commissioner Gordon agreed with Commissioner Jacobs <br />John Link said that they would provide an addendum of funding sources that are being <br />cut from outside sources. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 5-39 and pointed out that the date is a <br />misprint - 2004. <br />Also, on page 5-46 it looks like the State is no longer willing to provide computer <br />terminals for Cooperative Extension, so the County is replacing half of them. This is another <br />example of a cut that the County is expected to assume. <br />Commissioner Jacobs pointed out page 5-51, where UNC Hospitals is cutting money for <br />the Senior Health Coordination Program and the County is supposed to assume this. <br />