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Commissioner Gordan said that Commissioner Halkiotis had suggested looking at the <br />non-departmental budget for passible savings. John Link said that there are two areas of nan- <br />departmental -one portion is the outside agencies and the other portion includes the pay plan. <br />He does not recommend any cuts to the pay plan. <br />Donna Dean said that the information that Commissioner Halkiotis asked for is in the <br />June 16th agenda packet. <br />Chair Carey made reference to the reduction in the critical needs reserve and asked for <br />elaboration on this. Jahn Link said that instead of having $1 million in this account, at the twa- <br />cent stage, it would be reduced. <br />c. Employee Pay and Benefits <br />Personnel Director Elaine Holmes referred to the budget manual and the 4 appendices <br />in back of budget. Appendix B is the benefits survey that the Board requested in follow up to <br />the February Pay and Benefits Work Session. Appendix C is the annual update of the living <br />wage. Appendix D is the housing wage information update. In addition, she provided <br />supplemental information on differentiating pay. <br />Employee Pay and Benefits <br />Current Employees Impacted by Class and Pay Study <br />Of 796 current employees: <br />Phase Date Employees Who Received Employees Who Did Not Receive <br />04/14/03 592 204 <br />12/08/03 398 398 <br />04/26/04 292 504 <br />Cost of Living Increase <br />- Recommend 2.5°~ effective July 1 <br />- Cost of living increased 3.3% in 2004 <br />- For the first 4 months of 2005, rose at an annual rate of 4.8% <br />- Led by energy, gasoline, food, housing, medical casts <br />In-Range Salary Increase <br />- Recommend 2.5°~ <br />- For work performance that is proficient or higher effective with performance review <br />- Provides a way for employees to progress in the salary range as gain experience and <br />proficiency <br />- Salary compression urgent issue <br />- Employee salaries concentrated in the lower, hiring area of the range <br />