Orange County NC Website
State Cuts to Public Education 2005-200G <br />State Discretionary Reduction $ 70, 558, 667 <br />Orange County Schools Discretionary Reduction $ 350, 915 <br />Schoo! Capita! Building Fund $ 195, 680 <br />Total Orange County Schools State Reduction $ 546,595 <br />Internal RedirectionslReductions <br />Career & Technical Education Upgrades $130,648 <br />Energy Management cost avoidance for the district $178, 000 <br />Comm unity Schools $200, 000 <br />Child lVutritian $100, 000 <br />What's Not in the Budget <br />Central Office Step Increase 24, 973 <br />Middle & Nigh School Athletic Request 629,292 <br />5 Teacher Assistants 126, 236 <br />12 Teaching Positions 671,160 <br />Furniture and Equipment Request 363,145 <br />Total 1, 814, 806 <br />Superintendent Carraway said that she is very thankful for the resources provided by <br />the County for the schools. She said that she would not tell the County Commissioners all <br />of the programs and people that would have to be cut if the budget is not fully funded. She <br />does not know what that would be or who that would be at this time. The school board will <br />not have this discussion until there is a better picture of the local and state funding. <br />However, it will take additional resources far them to keep the programs and the people that <br />have been added to the budget and to continue to grow the achievement level in the district. <br />The test data clearly verifies that OCS students are capable and that they have done much <br />more as it relates to growth in achievement with a lot less, but they cannot continue. Many <br />students come to them needing more and they do not have the resources to provide them <br />with continuing support to be successful. They cannot continue to just break even. She <br />asked the County Commissioners to please consider the funds requested in this budget. <br />Chair Carey asked about the Middle College Transportation item and what this <br />includes. Shirley Carraway said that there have been collaborative meetings related to this, <br />