Orange County NC Website
Steps 1Ne Have Taken to Fund Our Needs Internally <br />District piloted a successful privatized janitorial service at Orange High School, <br />saving $30,000 <br />District has redirected $130,648 to prevent having to revert money to the state <br />and federal government <br />District's After-School Program and Child Nutrition Program are contributing <br />$300,000 toward district needs. <br />BUDGET REQUEST FOR 2005-2006 <br />Orange County School Budget Allocation Increase 2004-05: $715,306 <br />Department of Public Instruction Projected Student Enrollment 2004-05: <br />6632 <br />Actual Orange County School Enrollment 2004-05: 6664 <br />Department of Public Instruction Student Projection for 2005-06: 6811 <br />MandateslCritical Needs <br />Salary Increase 3.0% $ 466,341 <br />Matching Social Security 35,675 <br />Matching Retirement 27,118 <br />Increase Matching Hospital Insurance Pram <br />$3, 432 to $3, 775 85, 828 <br />Continuation Budget (funded from fund balance <br />04-05) 1, 400,182 <br />Tatal Mandates/Criticat Needs $2, 015,144 <br />Expansions and New Initiatives <br />Human Resources <br />4 High School Teachers (Freshman Academy} 223, 720 <br />3 Reading Remediation Teachers 167, 790 <br />1 Math/Science Specialist (12 months) 66,361 <br />1 Language Arts/Social Studies Specialist or Literacy <br /> Specialist 66, 361 <br />1 Science Teacher (Elementary) 55, 930 <br />0.8 Psychologist 44, 744 <br />1.5 Social Workers 83, 895 <br />1 CarpenterJPainter 35, 643 <br />1 Plumber 35, 643 <br />1 1VC Wise Coordinator 55, 930 <br /> Criminal Records Checks 5, 800 <br /> Increase Tenured Teachers Supplement 85,254 <br /> TOTAL $927, 071 <br />Curriculum and Instruction <br />AP Exams $ 15, 000 <br />Summer Sizzle 5, 000 <br />Graduation Facility Rental 8, 000 <br />