Orange County NC Website
TOTAL $1,625,555 <br />The Storm Continues <br />- The Senate Budget reduces funding in a variety of areas that will have an impact an <br />the District <br />o Teacher assistants <br />o School building administration <br />o Textbooks <br />o Limited English Proficiency Programs <br />o Schaol building capital accounts <br />Cover letter for Superintendent's Recommended Budget <br />"Currently, there is talk of an additional four percent reduction to the K-72 budget, which <br />could mean as much as a $7.8 million reduction....Attpis point in the year, it would be <br />irresponsible to ignore these possibilities. We must identify areas in which significant <br />reductions could be made to both the local and state budgets. Consequently, the <br />administration has prepared the following list of areas that could be seriously impacted by <br />state or local budget shortfalls. " <br />Cover letter for Schaol Board's Requested Budget <br />`A `normal' increase in our per-pupil appropriation would leave us short by approximately $2 <br />million. I/Ve estimate that this shortfall, combined with potential state reductions, could result <br />in the loss of 75 positions in our district. The quality of education for which this district is <br />known cannot be maintained when we must eliminate positions and reduce services." <br />Potential Reductions <br /> Est. Amount <br />Eliminate Middle School SRO positions $162,000 <br />Eliminate transportation for Middle School After-School $ 39,000 <br />Eliminate Middle School After-School Programs $137,602 <br />Reduce Elementary World Language positions $253,796 <br />Reduce Elementary Gifted Education Specialists $253,796 <br />Reduce the equivalent of 5 certified and 5 classified <br />Positions from the Exceptional Children's Program $414,500 <br />Reduce one Central Office Administrator position <br />And one Central Office classified position $105,887 <br />Teacher Assistants <br />- provide one per grade level in grades 4-5 $384,265 <br />- provide one-half assistant per teacher in <br />grades 2 and 3 $927,535 <br />Reduce Elementary Data Manager to half-time $161,492 <br />Reduce Classroom Supplies by 20 percent $ 97,997 <br />Reduce Professional Development and out-af-district <br />Travel by 30 percent $251,831 <br />Provide Summer School only to non-proficient students $200,000 <br />