Orange County NC Website
The Manager's Recommendation <br />- Approximately $985,000 <br />- It will fund a 2°lo salary increase <br />- It will fund the increase in health insurance <br />- It won't fund anything else <br />What is not funded or can only be funded by making reductions in other areas? <br />Non-discretionary Items <br />- Storm water fee and water rate increases $130,000 <br />- Other utility rate increases $201,824 <br />- Employee fringe benefit cost increases $125,000 <br />- Matching funds for 21St Century program $ 76,700 <br />- Pay for Performance increases $ 50,000 <br />- Shortfall in pre-kindergarten budget $149,350 <br />Total non-discretionary $732,874 <br />Growth (never implemented last year] and Replacement of Mid-Year Reductions <br />- Secretarial position at CHHS $ 37,032 <br />- Half-time media specialist at ECHHS $ 29,018 <br />- School Resource Officers {3) $172,394 <br />- Per-pupil allocation for more students $ 15,656 <br />- Maintenance mechanic $ 39,403 <br />- Professional development $ 85,000 <br />- Charter school funding $140,000 <br />- Restoration of instructional supplies $ 40,180 <br />Total....Growth/Mid Year $558,681 <br />New Expenses <br />- Planning for high school reform $ 75,000 <br />- Transportation for new programs $ 50,000 <br />- Middle College program $ 75,000 <br />- Leadership academy (High Five) $ 50,000 <br />- Student assessment system $ 84,000 <br />Total.....New expenses $334,000 <br />The List of District Needs <br />Total Non-discretionary <br />Total...GrowthlMid Year <br />Total...New Expenses <br />$732,874 <br />$558,681 <br />334 000 <br />