Minutes - 20050602
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20050602
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successful middle school after school program, then some of them will be left on their <br />awn and might end up needing other kinds of help in the future. This will not save any <br />money. She said that our children are tested beyond endurance on reading, math, and <br />writing; but this might not be where their skills lie. Skills such as foreign language, <br />mechanicacs, music, and art will go unnoticed if these programs are cut. She asked the <br />County Cammissioners to look at the long-term consequences of their decisions. She <br />said that probably the most endangered students would be most likely affected by the <br />budget shortfalls. <br />Rosetta Wash is DSS Board Chair and Dee Gamble is Chair of the Orange <br />County Daycare Task Force. They requested that $100,000 be reallocated to the Child <br />Care Trust Fund for daycare subsidies. Because of the generosity of the County <br />Commissioners last year, 46 children at 20 different facilities benefited because it <br />reduced the amount of time they had to wait to receive these subsidies by about two <br />months. As of May 5th, there were aver 400 children still an the waiting list at DSS and <br />Child Care Services Association. These children are eligible for the subsidy. <br />Mary Purcell is a reading recovery teacher at Central Elementary in Hillsborough. <br />She asked for full funding of all Orange County schools. She particularly supports <br />funding to add social workers. At Central Elementary, 69% of the student population <br />receives free and reduced lunch. She spoke of a personal experience that shows the <br />urgency of added social worker positions. She said that apart-time social worker is not <br />enough and it is critical that all schools in the County have full-time social workers. <br />Jack Nestor is a CHCCS parent. He spoke in support of full funding for both <br />school systems. He said that it is time to fix the broken system by raising the <br />countywide property tax and reducing the City district tax accordingly. He asked what <br />excuse there was far not adjusting the taxes in order to achieve equity and balance. <br />Amy Levine is an OCS parent, and two of her children have autism. The only <br />thing that has ever been proven to help this condition is education. She asked for full <br />funding far both school systems' requests. She does not mind paying mare taxes. She <br />said that, as County Cammissioners, there is no more important duty than the future of <br />the children. <br />Kelly Monroe Parco said that she would like to know why the County could not <br />institute a countywide supplemental tax with a commensurate decrease in the district tax <br />to begin instituting some equity in the school systems. She asked for an answer via <br />email. She also spoke in support of a new organization called NC CARE, which stands <br />for North Carolina Community Advocates far Revitalizing Education and is run through <br />the North Carolina justice organization. The email far information is <br />This is a parent group that supports the Leander decision and also supports ensuring <br />that the State continues to provide money far quality education. She said that she <br />spends a lot of time in Orange County schools on different committees. Mostly, the <br />committees involve raising funds for the school system. She is also a former high school <br />English teacher and is tutoring students in both districts. She said that the time is right <br />far the County to do something. She said that according to the Rural School and <br />Community Trust, North Carolina is overlooking its rural schools and ranks ninth in the <br />United States in need of rural education attention and improvement. According to the <br />Leander decision, one of the requirements for a sound basic education is that every <br />school must be provided the resources necessary to support effective instruction within <br />that schools, so that educational needs of all children, including at-risk children, can <br />have the equal opportunity to have a sound basic education. She said that Dr. Madeline <br />Grumet pointed out that Orange County children do not have an equal opportunity when <br />compared to CHCCS, especially after elementary school. She hopes the County <br />
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