Minutes - 20050602
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20050602
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of the 11 schools in the OCS district. She thanked the Board of County Commissioners <br />for their support and guidance to the schools, in particular, the opportunity for the <br />Educational Excellence Report to be conducted. They also acknowledge that the funds <br />to the schools are provided in a lump sum and it is up to the school board to implement <br />the funds to support the needs and requests for the entire district. The PLC fully <br />supports the Superintendent's budget this year. She asked for full funding of the OCS <br />budget. <br />Sandra Peterson is a patron of the local library, a member of the Orange County <br />Friends of the Library, and an advocate for library services in northern Orange County. <br />She spoke specifically about the expansion of the main central library in Hillsborough. <br />She thanked the County Commissioners for appointing the Library Services Task Force <br />in 2004, which presented a final report in October. She is also pleased that the Orange <br />County Space Needs Report presented in March indicated the plan to have an adequate <br />library facility by 2010. She said that many citizens eagerly await this facility. She <br />encouraged the County Commissioners to continue these plans for all Orange County <br />citizens. <br />Susan Julian spoke about teacher assistants. She has worked as a teacher <br />assistant at Frank Porter Graham Elementary School for almost 13 years. She is also <br />working on becoming licensed at NCCU to teach. She asked the County <br />Commissioners to fully fund the school budgets for the coming year. She said that if the <br />budget were not fully funded, many assistant positions would have to be eliminated. <br />She said that, by performing a variety of clerical tasks, teacher assistants help teachers <br />deal with the increasing burden of necessary paperwork and documentation. They also <br />provide teachers with much needed planning time. They also work with small groups of <br />struggling learners or non-English speakers. <br />Lauren Sacks is a representative of the ArtsCenter in Carrboro. She said that <br />the ArtsCenter has come a long way in the past year financially. For the first time in their <br />30-year history, they will be operating in the black. Last year alone, they gave out <br />$26,000 in scholarships to children and an additional $5,000 in scholarships to adults. <br />Their most recent demographics indicate that about 53°~ of ArtsCenter constituents live <br />in Orange County, and the ArtsCenter spends aver $500,000 a year on Orange County <br />residents. The County gave them $5,000 last year and they are asking for that same <br />amount for this year. Their specific request is for the children's programs, specifically <br />the afterschool arts immersion program. This program is in conjunction with the Arc of <br />Orange County and Communities in Schools. The children's programs serve over 4,000 <br />children a year. She said that they are hoping to expand the afterschool arts immersion <br />program to other programs and organizations in the community. The Communities in <br />Schools program and the middle schools in Orange County are in financial difficulty, and <br />they are interested in a partnership with the ArtsCenter to provide a program similar to <br />the arts immersion program for middle school students. The Arc of Orange County <br />would also like to partner with the ArtsCenter to provide arts immersion programs far <br />middle school, high school, and adults. <br />Pat Keck Cameron has been employed with Orange County for 15 years and has <br />done various jobs in social work. She is now working with the Health Department as a <br />Maternity Care Coordinator and a home visitor. She is overwhelmed by the choices and <br />decisions that the County Commissioners have to make. She said that she is here <br />because she is an employee and she is a broke employee because they have not had a <br />raise in a long time. She sees new employees come in and start within $2,000 of what <br />she makes after 14 years. She now works with pregnant teens and women who are on <br />Medicaid. She said that she wants everything she has heard advocated tonight. She <br />
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