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with the state as a whole. The schools still scrape by. The proposed increase is barely <br />enough to keep up with inflation, salaries, and materials. He said that he does not see a <br />lot of strong progress on collaboration and funding equalization. He said that it is the <br />time to move toward funding equalization and improved funding far education. He asked <br />the citizens to consider what he is going to do - send a check to the schools. <br />Terri Tyson is a CHCCS parent of four children. She is serving an the Board of <br />the Phillips Middle School PTSA and her son will be attending Smith Middle School in <br />the new Leap program. Both groups have encouraged her to speak. She said that it is <br />the County Commissioners' direct responsibility to provide for the public safety of <br />citizens. Therefore, she asks that the County specifically fund the resource officers for <br />the middle schools. This should be done under the Public Safety budget. She said that <br />the SROs help prevent possible bad events. She spoke highly of the SROs in the <br />schools. She also asked for full funding of the CHCCS budget request. <br />Robert Dowling is the Executive Director of Orange Community Housing and <br />Land Trust. He said that they appreciate what Orange County has provided aver the <br />past 14 years. They would like to request $110,000 rather than $100,000 in operation <br />funding. He said that they rely on periodic increases from local government funding in <br />order to remain a financially viable organization. Their workload has increased <br />dramatically in the last five years. Five years ago this month they placed the first house <br />in the land trust, and today there are over 100 houses in the land trust. Land trust <br />homes are built to be affordable forever. The bulk of the land trust homes are currently <br />in Chapel Hill, but the next 100 homes will be more evenly distributed among Chapel <br />Hill, Carrboro, and Hillsborough. Their budget next year is projected to be $347,000, <br />and they are projecting a $12,000 deficit next year, including the additional $10,000 <br />requested of the County. He provided a line item budget to the County Commissioners <br />and said that no one gets rich working far anon-profit organization. This year he had to <br />recommend to his board to reduce the retirement benefits for his staff. He said that their <br />services are very valuable to the residents of Orange County because the homes are <br />affordable and dispersed in new neighborhoods. He asked for the County <br />Commissioners' assistance in the additional $10,000. <br />Sally Boericke was representing the Historic Hillsborough Commission, which <br />owns and operates the Burwell School historic site. She asked for a grant of $4,000 in <br />capital funding for urgently needed repair to the exterior of the Burwell School. The <br />building is threatened by moisture damage that has compromised the structural support <br />system. The total cost for the repair project is estimated at $107,000. She said that <br />Orange County has previously supported restoration at the Burwell School. The <br />Commission is seeking a mix of funding from the State, County, Town of Hillsborough, <br />private foundations, and local organizations. She spoke about the historical significance <br />of the Burwell School. It is the site of one of the earliest female academies in the state. <br />The school also houses an important Orange County archival collection. It also holds <br />concerts, art exhibits, lectures, and Last Friday events. Finally, it functions as an <br />educational resource with interpretive programs, teacher workshops, and a heritage <br />education program that has served 1,200 school children since 2002. <br />Carolyn Wade is an employee of the Orange County Health Department. She is <br />an outreach worker and does home visiting. She is an advocate for mothers that are on <br />Medicaid, and she goes to some dangerous places. She spoke in support of the <br />Manager's recommended budget for Orange County employees. She has been an <br />employee for 19 years and she said that a lot of new employees come in making mare <br />than she does now. <br />Andrea Tullos was representing the Orange County Schools Parent Leadership <br />Council as the elected president. The PLC represents all of the PTOs and PTAs of each <br />