Minutes - 20050602
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20050602
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Also, instead of the proposed five-cent increase, we would like a contribution of <br />about 5% of each person's salary put into the 401 k every year." <br />He said that he speaks on behalf of all of the employees. <br />Judy O'Connell is the Assistant Director and Child Service Coordinator for <br />Kidscope. She spoke on behalf of the Kidscope staff and families of children they <br />represent. She thanked the County Commissioners for their ongoing concerns and <br />support far the children's services of Orange County. She distributed some children's <br />art. She said that last week they promised to return to speak about the impact the <br />OPC's PEO retirement option would have on the Kidscope program. They had not <br />obtained the documents outlined in the PEO option until Thursday, May 26t". She made <br />reference to the emails received from OPC's Human Resources, which were in response <br />to their questions regarding divestiture and what would happen to them as staff. Copies <br />of the emails are in the packets distributed to the County Commissioners. It is clear from <br />the PEO option that the continuation of their program is at risk. Ninety-one percent of <br />their staff falls outside of the PEO retirement guidelines. If only ten of these people are <br />forced to seek employment somewhere else in order to save their retirement, they would <br />lase 45% of their staff. This loss would be devastating with the divestiture. To survive <br />divestiture, they must be sure to have the personnel needed to process billing, maintain <br />medical records, and provide direct therapies. Not one of the employees in these key <br />positions falls within the PEO option. She said that no one was watching out for them as <br />employees. Ta suggest that their program could survive without the skills of the Billing <br />Specialist is ludicrous. In view of what the PEO retirement option will do to Kidscope, <br />they are asking for the County Commissioners' help. Another retirement plan must be <br />made available to the staff. <br />Myra Gwin-Summers is an advocate for Kidscope and services far young <br />children in Orange County. She appreciated Commissioner Jacobs' comment about the <br />State budget, saying that it was crafted in secret. This is her feeling about the OPC <br />Management's proposal for how to handle the retirement program. She has only <br />learned today how this will impact the programs, and she was appalled to learn that <br />there were only two people out of all of the personnel that would qualify and that mare <br />than 90°~ of the staff would essentially be outside of the system. She said that the <br />programs couldn't continue intact if the personnel are lost. She said that there are some <br />options on the table, and the County Commissioners know about these options. She <br />said that it seems obvious from the OPC Management proposal that it is not a priority to <br />keep the programs intact and continue the services. She said that now is the time to act <br />on this. She asked the County Commissioners to consider the options available and <br />help them to make sure that the services are not disrupted. <br />Elizabeth Mitchell is a parent of a child that goes to Kidscope. She said that <br />there are parents here whose children have gone through the Kidscope program and are <br />now in the Orange County School System. She thanked the County Commissioners for <br />giving the needed funding in the past. She said that this staff was one of the most <br />dedicated groups of women that she has come across in a long time. She asked the <br />County Commissioners to support the Kidscope program and work with OPC to keep the <br />staff. <br />Chris Lutes said that he is willing to pay higher taxes for better funding for public <br />schools. He said that if his taxes were increased by 30°l0, he would only be paying <br />another $200 a year. If he had to put his children in private school, it would cast a whale <br />lot more. He said that trained, skilled, knowledgeable employees are worth more in his <br />organization than $200 a year. He said that we are educating the citizens that will help <br />run the country in ten years. He agrees that our schools are well funded in comparison <br />
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