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NPS Nutrient Who <br />Source <br />1 -Agriculture LAC/ERCD <br />2 -Nutrient Management DWQ <br />3 - NPDES Phase II P & I <br />4 -Storm Water Rule: EC <br />What <br />Local advisory committees implement BMP's <br />Training for fertilizer or bio-solids applicators <br />Apply Phase II to a!! local municipalities -County <br />inclusion is uncertain <br />New development would require BMP's <br />Jurisdictions required to build storm water retrofits <br />5 -Trading P & I Ability to develop trading or other nutrient loading <br />offset options between and among point and <br />non-point sources <br />6 -Forestry EC Pre-harvest notification. Selective buffer harvesting <br />7 -Adaptive Management P & I Evaluate progress of NMS and adjust. <br />8 -Buffer Protection EC Expand buffer rules from Neuse &Tar-Pamlico <br />9 -Wastewater Land Appl. DWQ Investigate strengthening its permitting program <br />10 - On-Site Wastewater DWQ/EH Work with Environmental Health -reduce N+P from <br />IWWS <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that these strategies track a number of goals that the County <br />Commissioners have, and he would suggest the notion that the County should be able to have <br />the authority to regulate those systems as opposed to the State regulating them. He was <br />interested in Mayor Dell's letter back to the County about conservation where he mentioned <br />trading credits. He would like to talk to Durham about how they are going to compensate <br />people in the Little River area for protecting their water supply. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the County should not wait another four years to study <br />this because there could be a different regulatory environment. <br />Commissioner Halkiatis asked if the agricultural community was aware of all of this and <br />Dave Stancil said that they are becoming aware of it. Commissioner Halkiotis said that this is <br />going to be horrific. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she wonders how hard this will fall on Orange County. <br />It strikes her that there are massive pollutants going in, but Orange County will bear the burden. <br />She is not sure what the County can say between now and May 31St <br />Dave Stancil said that this is falling into two camps. The Citizens far Clean Water and <br />the Haw River Assembly have been very supportive of DWQ's proposed rules. The impacts, in <br />terms of new development and existing development, might fall heaviest on the urban areas. <br />They are very concerned about the impacts on new development. It might require Durham, <br />Chapel Hill, and Carrboro retrofitting their storm water controls in existing developments. <br />OWASA, the City of Durham, and other providers are going to want to take it slower because it <br />might not do what is needed for the water supply. <br />