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Assistant County Manager Gwen Harvey said that this resolution is in opposition to the <br />proposed reductions in the State budget that would negatively impact some programs of great <br />benefit to the residents of Orange County. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />approve a resolution in opposition to the proposed NC Senate budget reductions far Criminal <br />Justice Programs with all BOCC members signing the resolution, and instruct the Clerk to <br />forward copies to Orange County's legislative delegation. <br />RESOLUTION <br />OPPOSITION TO PROPOSED BUDGET REDUCTIONS TO <br />CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS <br />WHEREAS, the joint House-Senate Justice and Public Safety Committee has released a list of <br />Budget Reduction Options that include the elimination of Sentencing Services, Pre-Trial <br />Release Services, Drug Treatment Court, Family Court, District Court Arbitration, and <br />reductions to the Juvenile Crime Prevention Councils and Dispute Settlement Centers; and <br />WHEREAS, the proposed cuts will have a tremendous adverse, negative impact upon the <br />administration of criminal and civil justice in Orange County; and <br />WHEREAS, the Criminal and Civil Courts must have adequate resources to address the many <br />criminal, substance abuse, mental health, domestic, employment, and educational and other <br />problems confronted by the residents of Orange County; and <br />WHEREAS, these programs help the Courts by addressing multiple underlying problems rather <br />than merely resolving the legal matter brought before the court; and <br />WHEREAS, these cuts will have particular negative impact upon the poor, the disadvantaged, <br />and the addicted, and further decrease their ability to became productive taxpaying residents; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, we, the members of the Orange County Board of Commissioners, do <br />hereby resolve that: <br />1) All members of the Orange County delegation in the General Assembly be advised that <br />the Orange County Commissioners oppose the elimination of Sentencing Services, Pre- <br />Trial Release Services, Drug Treatment Court, Family Court, District Court Arbitration, <br />and the District Attorney investigator position; and <br />2) The Orange County delegation be requested to lobby all members of the General <br />Assembly to appose all of these cuts, and further to inform the General Assembly that <br />these programs save Orange County and the State of North Carolina money that would <br />otherwise be spent for additional prison and jail facilities. <br />This the 17th day of May, 2005. <br />John Link said that in paragraph 2 of the "Therefore" portion, he would suggest using <br />the word "requested" instead of "directed." <br />The Board agreed to this change. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />