Minutes - 20050426
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20050426
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Libbie Hough said that Dr. Grumet and Amy Anderson came to their board last night and <br />there was a really good turn out. The board has not had a chance to discuss this, but they will <br />this Monday. She thinks it is accurate to say that they were not surprised by the report and that <br />it affirmed things that they have been saying all along in their strategic plan and things that have <br />been coming to light in various task forces. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to reaffirm that she would like to proceed <br />toward equity and would like to see it defined. She would like to hear if the OCS board has <br />discussed any suggestions on how the Board of County Commissioners should proceed. She <br />said that there is only one way that she can think of that would work - to start with the principle <br />of holding CHCCS harmless -and then to raise taxes in the OCS. No matter how you cut it, the <br />$13 million is due to higher taxes in CHCCS. She asked the OCS board to have this <br />conversation of how to achieve funding equity. <br />d. New School Construction Updates - OCS Middle School #3 and CHCCS High <br />School #3 <br />Chair Carey made reference to High School #3 and asked what the architect contributes <br />the 25% overage to. Lisa Stuckey said that fundamentally, it is the same situation that is faced <br />by anyone that is building right now. The costs have gone up significantly in terms of raw <br />materials across the board. Competition is also a factor, because there were only two bidders. <br />There is so much construction going on in this area and companies are not bidding unless they <br />feel that the project is worth it. <br />Chair Carey said that the last projection that the Board of County Commissioners saw <br />was that the school would be $4 million over the agreed upon budget and now it is $8 million. <br />He asked when it changed. Lisa Stuckey said that they put it out to bid and those were the <br />bids. <br />Elizabeth Carter said that the anticipation was that they would have more bidders. <br />Chair Carey said that normally the architects give estimates just before bids go out. Lisa <br />Stuckey said that the school board did not receive a report from the architects prior to putting it <br />out to bid. <br />Superintendent Neil Pedersen said that they did not receive a new figure before it went <br />out to bid, but for the last few months, the architects have updated the estimates. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the construction schedule seemed very optimistic. Lisa <br />Stuckey said that Carrboro is having a public hearing on the CUP tonight and they agreed that it <br />would be prudent to go forward with the bidding before the CUP was issued, so that when it is, <br />they will be ready to start immediately. She said that they are still on target to open in August <br />2007. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she noticed in the estimate that there is money for the <br />upgrades to Smith Level Road. Carrboro has been discussing what to do with Smith Level <br />Road and which pot of money is to be used. She said that it looks like CHCCS might have to <br />foot the bill far some road improvements that it would not have had to pay for previously, <br />because now the NCDOT will not be making the road improvements until later. <br />Lisa Stuckey said that the road upgrades are estimated to be about $350,000. <br />Commissioner Halkiatis asked if there were things that were dropped off the list for the <br />high school. He asked about the costs of LEED categorization and Lisa Stuckey said that it <br />does not cost anything. Commissioner Halkiotis said that this information needs to be brought <br />forward to the County Commissioners. He said that two years after East Chapel Hill High <br />School was opened, the County Commissioners finally found out that the Town of Chapel Hill <br />had put $1.5 million worth of mandates on the school system. He asked the CHCCS board to <br />write down everything that is a cast of this building and everything that was tossed out. <br />
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