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Commissioner Gordon said that the Board could also give the schools the money and let <br />them decide how to spend it. Jahn Link said that this is the question that the Board of County <br />Commissioners has to answer. <br />Chair Carey asked if the staff was expecting the Board to say whether it agrees or not <br />with this tier approach. John Link said that if the Board reacts with horror tonight, the staff <br />would pursue something else. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that she senses a direct conflict with Tier III. She does see <br />the advantage, but she would feel better if the Tier III approach was done in concert with the <br />particular board of education, rather than the County Commissioners determining the functions <br />and the projects. John Link pointed out that the memorandum of understanding would have to <br />be signed by both parties, so there is no agreement unless both parties agree to it. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he did not know that the resource officers in CHCCS <br />were originally funded with a COPS grant. The Chapel Hill Town Council then decided it would <br />not fund it after a certain number of years, and the school system is looking at this. There are <br />some commonalities in both school systems that could be pulled out for a specific focus. This <br />could free up some money for the school systems and give them some flexibility. All of this <br />would be done by sitting down together and there would not be any micro-managing. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that this approach was used with the school nurses where <br />the County was paying for the additional nurses. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the $2.2 million far programmed debt service and <br />asked for a breakdown of this. John Link said that his monthly luncheon with the two school <br />superintendents is next Tuesday. The joint meeting is also Tuesday night, so funding equity <br />could be discussed then ar as soon as possible. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that, once all of the information is gathered from Bob Segal, <br />there should be a meeting with the two school boards to define "equity" and what should be <br />achieved. <br />Chair Carey said that he does not react in horror with this approach. He thinks that the <br />process has to start with the funding. He still believes that it is the individual school board's <br />decisions about how the money should be spent, with the exception of the Tier III items that the <br />County will address this year. <br />Commissioner Gordon agreed that the process should be started this year, and that it <br />will require a tax increase in the OCS district. She thinks it is important to work with both boards <br />of education an this. <br />Chair Carey said that he might contact the school superintendents to see if the agenda <br />far next week's meeting should be changed again to include this item of funding equity. <br />2. Board of County Commissioner Issues <br />a. BOCC Communications Infrastructure Recommendations <br />Information Technology Director Todd Jones said that this was a package put together in <br />response to a request from Chair Carey and Commissioner Jacobs. The initial reason was to <br />address communications and to ensure that there is a consistent approach between the County <br />Commissioners, with County Commissioners and constituents, and with County Commissioners <br />and the County staff. The staff put together a recommendation of a communications <br />infrastructure for personal computing and portable devices. This recommendation is not <br />mandated upon any Commissioner, but it should suit the needs and will allow for greater <br />communication options. <br />In answer to a question from Chair Carey, Todd Jones said that they were <br />recommending ahands-off backup system that will periodically copy all of the County <br />