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Commissioner Foushee asked when the County Commissioners are making a decision <br />on the option, if it is the staff's expectation that they will also make a decision on the <br />programming of the $12.8 million. John Link said that they do not need to be decided upon <br />simultaneously necessarily, but should be decided upon in the next two weeks. There is <br />another work session on May 5t" and the Board can talk about the $12.8 million. <br />b. Major Budget Drivers for FY 2005-06 <br />John Link said that this is the Budget Building Blocks PowerPoint presentation. <br />Donna Dean said that at the County Commissioners' retreat in January, the staff outlined <br />some major budget drivers far this year. <br />Fiscal Year 2005-06 Budget Building Blocks: <br />• One cent on property tax estimated to generate between $1,150,000 and $1,160,000 <br />o Expect "revenue neutral" tax rate to be in the mid-70 cents range <br />• Non-Property Tax Revenue {for example, fees and intergovernmental) estimated <br />growth between 2 and 3 percent <br />• Less fund balance available to appropriate than prior years <br />CHCCS is expected to lose students next year according to DPI. She never remembers <br />this happening. The net increase far students in both districts is only 58 students. If the per <br />pupil allocation stays the same at $2,623, there would be a decrease in appropriation for <br />CHCCS of $322,629 and an increase in appropriation for OCS of $474,763. When this <br />happened to the OCS a couple of years ago, there was a hold harmless piece in the current <br />expense appropriation piece, in that they made sure that OCS would not lose any current <br />expense money. If this is done again this year for CHCCS, it would bring the per pupil up next <br />year to $2,653. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that it should be included in the information to the school <br />boards next week that the County requested enabling legislation to allocate the per pupil the <br />way DPI allocates it -based on actual numbers and not projections. <br />Donna Dean then went over the next chart of Budget Building Blocks. There are <br />projected increases of $10,441,674 and they include: <br />- programmed debt service - $2.2 million <br />- Medicaid - $560,000 <br />- funding of positions added during 2004-05 - $445,000 <br />- operational increases due to rising fuel and utility costs - $450,000 <br />- pay plan - $1.5 million <br />- reinstate school recurring capital from 2 cents to 3 cents and County capital <br />funding from zero to 1 cent - $2.3 million <br />- funding for net increase of 58 students - $152,134 <br />- per pupil amount to hold CHCCS "harmless" for loss of 123 students - $534,540 <br />- additional funding to begin addressing school funding equity - $2.3 million <br />John Link said that he did not plan on recommending any new employees next year, but <br />he would like to implement the pay plan and take care of the current employees. <br />John Link said that there is not any magic revenue to overcome these increases other <br />than property tax increases. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked for a history of tax increases per year. John Link said that <br />in the last 4 years, the County Commissioners have increased the tax rate about 8 cents overall. <br />The previous 4 years was about 14 cents. <br />