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Commissioner Jacobs noted that the sign is falling down that says "Future Site of a <br />Park." He also finds it curious that there is always something that trumps walkability. <br />Commissioner Halkiatis said that he does not believe Piedmont Electric will allow <br />anything in their easement, and he does not think it is a good idea to allow these activities under <br />the power lines. He is committed to the action sports facility, however. He hopes that space <br />can be found for it. <br />Commissioner Gordon would like to address when the water and sewer lines are going <br />to be put in and where the money is going to come from. She asked if the Soccer Superfund <br />would be used for this facility. <br />3. Discussion of Educational Excellence Work Group Report <br />Rod Visser said that on March 15t , Dr. Madeline Grumet and her team of researchers <br />reported to the Board of County Commissioners the findings and recommendations related to <br />the work of the Educational Excellence Work Group. The Board of County Commissioners did <br />not have much time to discuss the report at that time, but asked Dr. Grumet to try and make <br />herself available to each of the two school boards sa that they could hear the full presentation. <br />Dr. Grumet has already met with CHCCS and is scheduled to meet with OCS an April 25tH <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he is concerned about the challenge with this budget <br />season. He is really worried because the County Attorney said that if the County does <br />something for one system it has to do it for the other system. He thinks the word "merger" <br />needs to be said again. He thinks the Manager needs to take some of the staff, the "think tank", <br />and go away for a couple of days and brainstorm all of the possibilities. The County has a <br />multitude of other responsibilities besides the school systems. He thinks this will be the most <br />challenging budget year that he has faced since he has been an the Board in 18 years. He <br />hopes that the Manager will be bringing a menu of possibilities with the pros and cons. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that it is all going to come down to money no matter how it is <br />done. She is also worried about this year. She still thinks that if there are more resources to <br />the OCS, then it means that taxes will have to be raised in the OCS. She does not think there <br />should be a merger at this time. Either way, the funding has to be adjusted. She would like to <br />define equity and do something at least this calendar year. <br />Chair Carey said that the reason the Board has this report is because it tabled <br />discussions about funding equity and merger until this report was available. He would like to <br />put the issue back on the table of the implications of equity and what anticipated capital savings <br />there would be if there was a merger. He thinks it is incumbent upon the Board to pick up the <br />discussion that was tabled last year when all of the information is available, including the <br />information from Bob Segal. He thinks the Board will be forced to make some decisions about <br />the funding issue before it has this in-depth discussion. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the County has a strategic plan for Recreation and <br />Parks, but it does not have a strategic plan for how to equitably fund the schools. He thinks it is <br />a priority. He made reference to Superintendent Pedersen's memo and said that, although he <br />supports the concept of equity, he is waiting to see how thick the ice is before he is willing to <br />jump up and dawn. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis made reference to the lottery and said that they should not <br />predicate any decisions on whether or not it will come to fruition. He said that what worries him <br />the most is the sense that, while they are trying to bring one school system up, the other school <br />system will start losing things if it is loses money from Raleigh. He does Hat want to see the <br />CHCCS hurt, but he wants to see the OCS helped, and that is why he wants to see every <br />possible option. <br />Chair Carey said that the next steps are to get the report from Segal and schedule <br />another work session after the budget is adapted. <br />