Orange County NC Website
those first on April 2Qth. There are some significant assumptions included, but it should not <br />deter the Board from making a decision on one of the options. <br />Chair Carey said that he thought that when they talked about County space needs that the <br />Board asked the staff to begin work on identifying the central county campus. He thought the <br />staff should be working on this already. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis agreed and said that they asked bath school systems and the <br />Manager for breakdowns for particular capital improvements, including the costs. <br />John Link made reference to the baseline and options 1-4, and said that the numbers are <br />pretty solid in the first year or two. He made reference to page 4 of 26 in the abstract and said <br />that this is where the money comes from to address debt service. The assumption is that these <br />buildings will not be on a bond, and the best way to fund them is through tax increases. He <br />thinks this is a major policy decision. He agreed with Commissioner Gordon in that there needs <br />to be a rationale far haw to wisely appropriate funds; reallocation of $12.8 million and the 213 <br />net debt funding are major funding decisions. He made recommendations based on what is <br />imminent and what needs to be addressed over the next couple of years, which are years when <br />we have reached our debt ceiling. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that it appears to her that staff has shown commitment to <br />having a recurring capital budget. She made reference to the options for an emergency reserve <br />fund and said that they should not reserve any less than $5Q,000/year. She made reference to <br />attachment 1-b, which is the option she prefers, and asked why they would start out with <br />$50,000 for each of the first four years and then increase to $1 QQ,QQQ for four years, and then <br />drops back to $SQ,QQQ. She would like to know the assumptions for this. She asked about the <br />funds that would address roofing and HVAC repairs and if they are based on scheduled <br />maintenance, and if so, why they would change under each option. <br />Wilbert McAdoo said that they have a schedule and it is adjusted based on funding <br />availability. They meet their highest priorities first and they can delay some things. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that in some cases they are prolonging the inevitable, which costs <br />more down the road. <br />Donna Dean made reference to the reserve for emergency repairs and said that they were <br />hoping that as they build up the reserve, they are also taking care of the needs, as they exist. <br />Once the contingency is built up, they will not need as much in future years if they are starting to <br />address recurring capital. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked for an update on the Homestead House. Donna Dean will <br />follow upon this. Commissioner Jacobs thought this was going to be renovated. <br />Commissioner Jacobs noted that one of the recommendations of the Library Task Force <br />was a library in Carrboro. There needs to be a decision on this. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to line 19, Water Demand Reduction Systems and <br />Equipment, and said that he does not understand why they could not just frontload the <br />$1 QQ,QQQ instead of paying for it over ten years. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that in looking at all of the projects, it has been about 2 ~l years <br />since they talked about an environmental ethic for how County government operates and there <br />has been no progress. He suggested having someone from the outside to come in and look at <br />the County's buildings before they spend money an renovations to get same guidance. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that if the legislature were serious about a lottery that provides <br />money far school capital construction, he would like to see same recent figures about what <br />might be available, because it will affect this scenario. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to Mebane and said that there is a letter from Ed <br />Kerwin suggesting that in the North Carolina General Statutes, towns and counties have the <br />authority to recover line extension costs through the adoption of special assessments for water <br />and sewer improvements. He asked the County Attorney to look at this for Twin Creeks and the <br />OCS Middle School #3lWest Ten Soccer Complex project. <br />