Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> 1) Oppose House Bill 900— Enhance On-Site Wastewater System Approvals, a copy of <br /> the current version of which is attached at Exhibit A, and any successor versions or <br /> other similar bills (i.e. Companion Senate Bill 902), which seek to remove domestic <br /> wastewater system evaluation responsibility from local governments, place that <br /> authority in the private sector, and leave local governments with the liability if <br /> privately-approved wastewater systems fail (a letter from the North Carolina <br /> Association of Local Health Directors and a summary of talking points on House Bill <br /> 900 are provided at Exhibits B and C); <br /> 2) Oppose Senate Bill 508 and House Bill 648, both entitled "Exempt Builder's <br /> Inventory", and for which copies of the current versions of each are attached at <br /> Exhibits D and E, and further oppose any successor versions or other similar bills, <br /> which seek to exclude from taxation any increase in value of property attributable to <br /> the subdivision of or other improvements made to property by a builder as long as <br /> the builder continues to hold the property for sale. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> d. Resolution Honoring Armacell, LLC <br /> The Board considered recognizing Armacell, LLC for outstanding corporate citizenship <br /> for its environmental stewardship in reducing waste material by approximately 5 million pounds <br /> per year, a reduction from 20 percent of total output to 2 percent of total output, and authorizing <br /> the Chair to sign. <br /> Economic Development Director Dianne Reid introduced John Walter, Plant Manager of <br /> Armacell; and Bob King, Maintenance Team Manager and Plant Environmental Coordinator. <br /> She said that Armacell relocated its North American operations to Orange County in 2000 from <br /> Lancaster, Pennsylvania and employs 240 people. The plant produces tube and sheet <br /> insulation used in mechanical areas. They also manufacture polyethylene tube insulation. <br /> John Walter thanked the County Commissioners for recognizing them and said that Bob <br /> King spearheaded the effort in terms of recycling materials. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis read the proclamation. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> approve recognizing Armacell, LLC for outstanding corporate citizenship for its environmental <br /> stewardship in reducing waste material by approximately 5 million pounds per year, a reduction <br /> from 20 percent of total output to 2 percent of total output, and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />