Orange County NC Website
to speak out against sexual violence and to support their local communities' efforts to prevent <br /> and respond to these appalling crimes. <br /> This the 12th day of April 2005. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. National Library Week <br /> The Board considered proclaiming the week of April 10 through April 16, 2005 as <br /> National Library Week in Orange County, and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br /> Library Services Director Brenda Stephens said that National Library Week was first <br /> sponsored by the American Library Association in 1958 and it has been celebrated this same <br /> week since then. She read the proclamation. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br /> approve proclaiming the week of April 10 through April 16, 2005 as National Library Week in <br /> Orange County as stated below, and authorize the Chair to sign. <br /> National Library Week <br /> April 10-16, 2005 <br /> Proclamation <br /> WHEREAS, our nation's public libraries provide equity of access to library users nationwide no <br /> matter their age, income and socioeconomic background; and <br /> WHEREAS, libraries play a vital role in providing millions of people with the resources they <br /> need to live, learn and work in the 21st century; and <br /> WHEREAS, libraries are changing and dynamic places and librarians are the ultimate search <br /> engine, helping people of all ages find the information they need in print and online; and <br /> WHEREAS, libraries are part of the American Dream — places for opportunity, education, self- <br /> help and lifelong learning; and <br /> WHEREAS, libraries bring you a world of knowledge both in person and online, as well as <br /> personal service and assistance in finding what you need, when you need it; and <br /> WHEREAS, libraries are a key player in the national discourse on intellectual freedom, equity of <br /> access, and narrowing the "digital divide"; and <br /> WHEREAS, awareness and support must be increased for libraries, librarians and library <br /> workers by raising their visibility in a positive context and by communicating clearly and strongly <br /> why libraries are both unique and valuable; and <br /> WHEREAS, library users and non-users alike are encouraged to stand up and speak out for <br /> libraries and to support library-funding efforts; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of County Commissioners supported the Library <br /> Services Task Force recommendation by opening the Cybrary in the Century Center; and <br />