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15 <br /> said that the consultant said that a good-sized board is 10-15 people, and one to two people <br /> from each category is advisable. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked that the charge and composition be outlined formally. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that they told Craig Benedict to remove the composition at <br /> agenda review, since there were a lot of questions about who should be on the task force. <br /> There was such a broad range of groups that were proposed, it seemed simpler to advertise at- <br /> large. <br /> John Link said that this is a topic of great interest and the Board of County <br /> Commissioners should be interested in anyone's application. He thinks it is important to <br /> welcome any and all applicants. <br /> Commissioner Gordon suggested that there be something on the application where the <br /> applicant can check off categories that apply to them. She specifically wants to see <br /> "environmental" added to the list of categories. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br /> approve the formation of this Task Force and authorize the Clerk's office to advertise for <br /> Orange County citizen volunteer Task Force members, with the addition of an "environmental" <br /> category as suggested by Commissioner Gordon. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 10. Reports <br /> a. OWASA Mitigation Tract for Replacement Habitat Resultina from Cane Creek <br /> Reservoir Construction <br /> The Board considered providing support for the Orange Water and Sewer Authority's <br /> position regarding requirements to allow hunting at the Cane Creek Reservoir and Mitigation <br /> Tract. <br /> Dave Stancil said that in February, representatives from OWASA came to a <br /> Commissioner's meeting and updated the Board on the possible use of a mitigation tract for <br /> hunting provision and low-impact recreation. OWASA found out about this through the Corps of <br /> Engineers in 2003 and this led to the discussions that generated the proposal for limited <br /> hunting activities on the mitigation tract, which is 490 acres that was acquired as mitigation for <br /> the land habitat at Cane Creek Reservoir. OWASA's proposal for limited hunting was to allow <br /> for bow hunting for deer through mid-September to November on the mitigation tract, followed <br /> by a week of muzzle loaded hunting. The initial discussions with the Wildlife Resources <br /> Commission indicated that this might be possible and there was a public hearing held. In <br /> recent weeks, additional information has been received from the WRC that indicates that the <br /> staff at the WRC is no longer satisfied with the conditions of the original permit that dates back <br /> to 1980. There was correspondence from the WRC yesterday that indicates that they plan to <br /> move ahead with posting the property for both the reservoir land and the mitigation tract. <br /> OWASA disagrees with the WRC that this will not satisfy the requirements from 1980, <br /> and plans to share that with the Corps of Engineers, which was the entity that permitted the <br /> reservoir. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the firearms that will be allowed. Dave Stancil said <br /> that the WRC is proposing to permit water fowl hunts on the reservoir, archery hunting three <br /> days a week from September to November on the mitigation tract, muzzled loaded runs after <br /> November 5th on the mitigation tract and small game hunts after October 15tH <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked for the opinion of the County Attorney. Geof Gledhill said <br /> that he does not know all that is going on with this issue, but he thinks that it is more important <br /> what OWASA wants. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis said that he is surprised at this because it is a heavy hand <br /> coming down from a state commission. He thought OWASA's actions in allowing the primitive <br />