Minutes - 20050412
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20050412
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Last modified
9/8/2017 8:41:11 AM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:30:09 PM
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Agenda - 04-12-2005-
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14 <br /> Rod Visser said that in October 2001 the Board of County Commissioners adopted a <br /> resolution, which approved a master facilities plan for the Eubanks Road area for solid waste <br /> facilities. Included in the plan was a conceptual notion of a solid waste operations center that <br /> would be located on the property immediately to the west of the south side landfill on Eubanks <br /> Road. He made reference to the memorandum from Solid Waste Director Gayle Wilson, which <br /> goes into detail about the needs for the new facility. If the Board approves the conceptual plan, <br /> the next steps are to bring a proposal for architectural services to the next County <br /> Commissioners' meeting on April 19tH <br /> Commissioner Jacobs thanked the staff and said that they asked the staff to enlarge the <br /> public meeting room so that it would be the same size as the meeting room in the Government <br /> Services Center. There was also an addition for the storage of deconstructed materials on this <br /> site. He read from the abstract, as follows: "The construction of the new solid waste operations <br /> center may provide an opportunity also to construct cost-efficient, convenient, and appropriate <br /> storage space for deconstructed building materials for use in future County projects." He asked <br /> that"may" be changed to "will." Commissioner Jacobs suggested that they talk with Mr. <br /> Hendricks, who is leading the deconstruction efforts, to see how he might suggest undertaking <br /> such a design so that it is the most reflective of the kinds of materials most likely to recover. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis agreed about the enlarged meeting room. He suggested using <br /> the existing sewer line instead of setting up a separate septic site. <br /> Commissioner Foushee agreed with Commissioner Halkiotis about the sewer line. She <br /> asked about the resale facility and asked if this would be part of the design process. Rod <br /> Visser said that they are contemplating something that would be adjacent to the building for this <br /> purpose. <br /> Commissioner Foushee made reference to page 4, the third bullet and asked if this <br /> property is the Neville Tract. Gayle Wilson said no and that there are two parcels totaling six <br /> acres directly adjacent to this parcel that have been on the market in the past. The owner has <br /> expressed interest in negotiating to sell this property. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br /> approve endorsement of the proposed building conceptual plan for administrative offices of the <br /> Solid Waste Department, so that staff can proceed to submit a contract for architectural <br /> services for the Board's consideration at the April 12, 2005 regular meeting. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Orange County Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Task Force Formation <br /> The Board considered approving the formation of the Orange County Transfer of <br /> Development Rights (TDR) Task Force and authorizing the Clerk's Office to advertise for <br /> volunteer Task Force members. <br /> Planning Director Craig Benedict said that the purpose of this item is to approve the <br /> advertising for the Transfer of Development Rights task force. A consultant has been hired to <br /> look at the feasibility of transferring development rights from sensitive rural areas of the County <br /> to receiving areas where there are adequate public services to support higher density <br /> development. In order to make this a successful program, a variety of people need to be <br /> involved—community representatives, builders, etc. He said that this is not the implementation <br /> of the program. This is only phase 1 and 2, which includes getting the task force going. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the task force composition and what is being <br /> recommended. Craig Benedict said that they could look at the full applicant pool that comes in. <br /> The composition will be the Board's decision. <br /> Commissioner Gordon would like the staff to think about a target set of categories for <br /> the group's composition. She said that usually there is a target composition. Craig Benedict <br />
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