Minutes - 20050412
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20050412
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Last modified
9/8/2017 8:41:11 AM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:30:09 PM
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Agenda - 04-12-2005-
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Agenda - 04-12-2005-5d
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11 <br /> expectations of the operations of OE at the new site; and to authorize the reallocation of capital <br /> funds appropriated by the County to expand the current OE building to be used by OE toward <br /> the purchase of the new facility, and authorize the Chair to sign. <br /> John Link asked Executive Director of Orange Enterprises Kathy Bryant to join <br /> Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam Jones and Economic Development Director <br /> Dianne Reid. He said that this has been a joint effort with Orange Enterprises and Orange <br /> County. Orange Enterprises has successfully helped individuals who faced employment <br /> barriers over the years. The proposed agreement is that the County will provide capital funding <br /> for their acquisition of the building on ten acres on Elizabeth Brady Road, and the County will <br /> also increase support for operations for the next three years. <br /> Dianne Reid said that under the proposed agreement, the County would, over the next <br /> six fiscal years beginning with fiscal year 2004-2005 and ending with fiscal year 2009-2010, <br /> provide $825,000 in building support money and $120,000 additional operational support than <br /> the County is now providing to Orange Enterprises. This will enable Orange Enterprises to <br /> purchase the land and building on Elizabeth Brady Road in Hillsborough and triple the <br /> production capacity, and add significantly to the employment base. The public hearing notice <br /> was published in two newspapers and the Economic Development office was the point of <br /> contact for comments. They have not received any comments as of today. <br /> Kathy Bryant introduced Joe Appleton, Chair of the Board of Directors of Orange <br /> Enterprises. She gave the history of Orange Enterprises. This year they will serve 338 people <br /> with disabilities; they have 43 staff members, a total budget of$2,587,000 ($464,000 is brought <br /> in by the work done inside Orange Enterprises). They have maxed out space and thus their <br /> profits have been the same. They would like to become independent of government support. <br /> She said that Orange Enterprises appreciates the constant support of Orange County. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis said that Orange County citizens, Orange County government, <br /> and the people that OE serves have been extremely fortunate to have Kathy Bryant in her role <br /> for 20 years. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that in the 2001 bond process, Orange Enterprises came to <br /> the bond hearing and made a presentation and the County made a capital commitment through <br /> alternative financing to provide more support. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> NONE <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br /> close the public hearing. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 15, paragraph #10, and asked whether <br /> it was correct. Geof Gledhill said that this has been rewritten and the version in the agenda <br /> packet is a draft and is not the final version of the agreement. <br /> Chair Carey asked about the final version and Geof Gledhill pointed out item 3, page 10. <br /> The last sentence of the paragraph in the draft says "The Premises may be subjected to a deed <br /> of trust in favor of a commercial lending institution in an amount not to exceed $440,000 BUT <br /> NO OTHER without the written consent of the County." The final version increases this amount <br /> to $715,000 because the $440,000 did not include up fit costs. Paragraph 10 on page 15 is the <br /> other material change, and it fleshes out the option to purchase, which gives the County the <br /> right, for a period of 99 years and a 99-year renewal, to purchase this property if Orange <br /> Enterprises elects to sell it to be used for some purpose other than this program. The County's <br />
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