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Commissioner Halkiotis made reference to the person that fixed a problem at <br />Efland-Cheeks Elementary School at the old wing. This person put in some new drains. <br />He suggested that Wilbert McAdoo talk to this person. <br />Wilbert McAdoo continued talking about the needs: restroom needs {built in the <br />50's}, roofing repair needs. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked how much was needed every year for the <br />strategic roofing plan. Wilbert McAdoo said that their experience has been $300- <br />500,000. This amount is budgeted. <br />Donna Dean painted out that this year there is no money budgeted far roofing <br />repairs. Across the nation, local governments have been faced with funding cuts and <br />mandates, so some big-ticket items have been postponed. She said that far the current <br />year, the available pay-as-you-go funding for County capital needs was around $2.3 <br />million. After being faced with the cuts at the last minute last year and with the <br />mandates, $1.6 million of this was redirected with operational items in the general fund. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that, in his opinion, the County has been focusing in <br />on school needs and has ignored its own needs. He is not going to say that state and <br />federal funding cuts and unfunded mandates have put the County in this place. He said <br />that the County has put itself in this place by turning its back on its own buildings <br />because it has given and given to both school systems. <br />County Capital and Facility Funding <br />^ State and federal funding cuts and implementation of unfunded mandates over <br />the last 4 to 5 years, have forced local governments to redirect funds that would <br />normally address capital needs to fund operational needs <br />. In many instances, facility repairs and maintenance items have been postponed <br />causing capital needs to mount <br />^ As a point of reference, available pay-as-you-ga funding for county capital <br />needs in the current fiscal year totaled $2.3 million <br />. $1.6 million of that amount was redirected to the County's General Fund to "make <br />up" funding losses and increased mandates <br />. In the end, $750,000 was allocated to the CIP for the following items <br />. Fulfill our funding commitment to Sportsplex ($400,000), provide for Information <br />Technology initiatives {$350,000) and purchase mandated Jail equipment <br />{$50,000) <br />Board Discussion <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked about the County's total recurring capital budget <br />for County government. He asked if it was a fixed amount, like for the two school <br />systems and Donna Dean said no. Commissioner Halkiotis said that it is important to <br />note that the County Commissioners give bath school systems over $2 million in <br />recorded capital funds for maintaining their buildings, and the County does not give <br />anything to itself for this purpose. <br />John Link pointed out that, because of the funding lass from the State the last <br />two or three years, the County has not been able to fund the total recurring capital to the <br />school systems. <br />Continuation of presentafion above. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about operational needs and if this was referring to <br />small capital needs. She asked if there was not any money within departments to do <br />small things like a $500 repair. Donna Dean said that it does not mean small capital. <br />She said that it goes back to using the pots of money to fund the cuts. They have <br />