Orange County NC Website
comment about open space and said that for every development that comes forward they are <br />saving more and more open space. He said that they are also addressing transfer of <br />development rights. <br />Chair Carey said that the next Board of County Commissioners' listening session is <br />scheduled for March 21St at Orange Grove Community Center. <br />5. Items for Decision--Consent Agenda <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Foushee <br />to approve those items on the consent agenda as stated below: <br />a. Minutes <br />The Board approved the minutes for the February 8, 2005 Joint Meeting with the Solid <br />Waste Advisory Board and the Work Session on the same night, as submitted by the Clerk to <br />the Board. <br />b. Appointments <br />(1) Carrboro Board of Adjustment -One Reappointment <br />The Board reappointed Dr. James Dingfelder to a second full term expiring February 28, <br />2008 to the Carrboro Board of Adjustment. <br />(2) Historic Preservation Commission -One Reappointment <br />The Board reappointed Renee Price to the Historic Preservation Commission. <br />(3) Human Services Advisory Commission -Three Reappointments <br />The Board reappointed Lucia Casabo and Christina Harlan to first full terms and Pat <br />Vandiviere to a second full term to the Human Services Advisory Commission. <br />c. Motor Vehicle Property Tax Releases/Refunds <br />The Board adopted a refund resolution, which is incorporated by reference, related to <br />60 requests for motor vehicle property tax releases or refunds in accordance with North <br />Carolina General Statutes. <br />d. Property Tax Refund <br />The Board adopted a refund resolution, which is incorporated by reference, related to <br />one (1) request for property tax refund in accordance with N.C. General Statute 105-381. <br />e. Property Tax Releases <br />The Board adopted a resolution, which is incorporated by reference, to release property <br />values related to three (3) requests for property tax release in accordance with N.C. General <br />Statute 105-381. <br />f. Approval of Contract for Development of a Limited English Proficiency <br />Assessment Tool <br />The Board authorized staff to contract with the Chapel Hill Institute for Culture and <br />Language Education, Inc. (CHICLE) in an amount not to exceed $9,500, with all costs to be <br />paid by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to develop a Limited <br />English Proficiency (LEP) Assessment Tool in accordance with the attached proposal, and <br />authorized the County Manager to execute the resulting agreement, contingent upon final <br />review by staff and the County Attorney. <br />g_ CJPP Continuation Grant Application <br />The Board approved the submission of the FY 2005-2006 grant application for the <br />continuation of Criminal Justice Partnership Program (CJPP) operations in the amount of <br />$165,221, and authorized the Chair to sign. <br />