Orange County NC Website
9. Items far Decision--Regular Agenda <br />a. Proposed Public Route between Hillsborough and Chapel HiIIlCarrboro <br />The Board considered a request to approve a proposal to be presented to the Triangle <br />Transit Authority (TTA) Operations and Finance Committee (and later to the full TTA Board) to <br />establish a regular public route providing bus service between Hillsborough and Chapel <br />Hill/Carrboro. Orange Public Transportation (OPT) would provide matching funds and operate <br />the route under authority of a Memorandum of Understanding or contract with TTA. <br />Transportation and Department on Aging Director Jerry Passmore said that Patrick <br />McDonough was in attendance from TTA. Transportation Manager AI Terry was also in <br />attendance. He said that this is an exciting opportunity for a partnership with TTA. He said that <br />today the Transportation Services Board approved this proposal. The proposal will move <br />forward to the Operations and Finance Committee of TTA. <br />Commissioner Gordan {Orange County's representative on the TTA Board of Trustees) <br />said that the Hillsborough to Durham route was canceled not long ago by TTA, but in the <br />process she requested that TTA would work with Orange County to figure out an appropriate <br />service. She appreciates what the staff has done. She would like to see the development of an <br />east-west route from the MebanelEfland area all the way to Durham at some later date. <br />Jerry Passmore said that the intent is to have locations such as the Sportsplex and <br />downtown as transfer points. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the projected increase in riders. <br />Patrick McDonough said that it is harder to forecast in rural areas. He said that they <br />conducted a survey of Orange County employees on public transportation. One of the biggest <br />issues for not using OPT was because it is slow. There are 33 daily riders. They hope that this <br />service will open up new capacities. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the time to go from downtown Hillsborough to <br />Southern Human Services Center and it was answered 35 minutes from NC 86/70 to UNC <br />Hospitals. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that when the community college is opened, there would be <br />a significant increase in demand for this route. He made reference to the two options and said <br />that if this route ends before the community college opens, the route may be doomed by trying <br />too early. He asked if TTA would be looking at this. <br />Patrick McDonough spoke at length about service standards and how routes are <br />improved. He said that having a demonstration route would not mean that it would be canceled <br />in a year. They will continue to look at this service to see how it is doing. He said that the key <br />difference with the demonstration route is that there is a message up front that this project could <br />be short term. The only reason they put this route as a demonstration is because funding for <br />TTA is tight. He thinks this route will be very successful. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he does not want to do the demonstration route, or even <br />a one-year project and have it wind up being like the route that went to Duke Hospital. He said <br />that when the community college opens, it would have a large likelihood of success. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the key is to get it going and that by the time the <br />community college opened it would be in place. This service would start in August and the <br />community college would be opened a year later. She recommends asking for the regular <br />service and letting it go through the Operations and Finance Committee at TTA and see what <br />happens. If it looks like the route could make it without the community college, then it could <br />start in August 2005. It could always be an option to wait for one year. <br />Patrick McDonough said that this route was designed to be successful without the idea <br />of the community college. They look at the community college as a bonus. <br />