Orange County NC Website
TriangleSings! - Carol Robbins <br />Adam Sobsey - (not present) <br />Women's Voices Chorus - Mary Lycan <br />b. OWASA Presentation on its Mitigation Lands and Utility Extension <br />Reimbursement Policy <br />The Board was provided information and an opportunity for discussion on issues -use <br />of Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) wildlife mitigation lands and OWASA utility <br />extension reimbursement policy -raised by the Board by means of a letter from the Chair to <br />OWASA and provided feedback to staff. <br />OWASA Board Chair Mark Marcoplos highlighted issues that OWASA is dealing with. <br />The reuse project is moving along and they received a $1.8 million grant from the North <br />Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fund followed by $645,000 from the Federal <br />Environmental Protection Agency due in large part to Congressman Price's advocacy of the <br />project. The project will be completed around 2007 and will save OWASA 500-700,000 gallons <br />of water a day, which is roughly 8% of their demand. There is also very good cooperation with <br />the University on this project. <br />The first annual Sustainability Report will be distributed soon. <br />Another major project going on is at the Mason Farm Wastewater Treatment Plan, which <br />is a $45 million upgrade. This is also slated to be finished around 2007. They are looking at an <br />interim milestone for odor improvements completed toward the end of this year. <br />Recently, there was an issue with same customers on the Orange/Chatham County line <br />at Starpoint. They are in Chatham County but on the OWASA system and the pressure was a <br />problem because they are up on a hill. This problem is very expensive to fix, and they <br />discussed with the residents and Chatham County and the residents will now be served by <br />Chatham County. <br />Bernadette Pelissier, Orange County representative on the OWASA Board, spoke about <br />the water conservation goal and said that they have been looking at water conservation <br />management practices. They have to figure out which ones to implement. The first one they <br />selected was the water reuse project, and they need to do something beyond that and develop <br />a goal statement for water conservation. She read the proposed general goal, which has not <br />been approved by the board yet, but has been discussed several times. The goal is "To <br />develop, fund, and implement acost-effective water conservation and demand management <br />program that meets our community's long-term water needs (through the year 2050} by making <br />the highest and best use of our local water resources, and eliminate the need for costly new <br />water supply sources and facilities." She said that they do not want to have to find any other <br />water resources beyond what they already have in Orange County, which includes University <br />Lake, Cane Creek Reservoir, and the stone quarry. The major goal is to defer expansion of the <br />water treatment plant by minimizing peak demand. <br />Bernadette Palissier made reference to the mitigation land. She said that the original <br />agreement with the reservoir was that OWASA would provide hunting around the reservoir. The <br />permit should have said that there would be hunting on the mitigation land. They have had the <br />North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to come to their board, and the Natural <br />Resources and Technical Systems Committee has discussed this at several meetings and has <br />made progress. They made a general proposal to the Wildlife Resources Commission to have <br />deer hunting through most of the season (bow and arrow} with one week of muzzle loading <br />hunting, which would require a permit. This would occur three days a week. The Wildlife <br />Resources Commission has agreed to have a local public hearing on March 8t" at the Cane <br />Creek Community Center. She said that this provision would be helpful because at this time <br />there are all-terrain vehicles that come onto the land and OWASA does not have law <br />