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Commissioner Jacobs asked how many routes were partially subsidized by local <br />governments and Patrick McDonough said that this would be the first time this has been done. <br />He said that NCDOT sees these regional partnerships as the future of public transportation. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked the Manager that when this does come forward to public <br />hearing that there is some surveying of the users regarding the doubling of the fee. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />approve the Manager's recommendation as follows: <br />1. The conceptual Hillsborough to Chapel Hill route. <br />2. The cost-sharing percentage between Triangle Transit Authority and Orange Public <br />Transportation for the fixed route and marketing the new service (County staff has proposed <br />75°~ TTA and 25% OPT). <br />3. The preferred type of service, with a starting date of August 2005, would be a regular <br />route as apposed to a demonstration route. <br />4. The drafting of a proposed Memorandum of Understanding between Triangle Transit <br />Authority and Orange Public Transportation for route operation. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Gordon asked that when this is passed forward to the TTA Operations <br />and Finance Committee that the Towns of Chapel Hill and Hillsborough also get copies of it. <br />b. Staff Update on Possible Acquisition of the Triangle Sportsplex <br />The Board received an update from staff on ongoing assessments related to a potential <br />Orange County acquisition of the Triangle Sportsplex, with particular emphasis an <br />considerations related to potential ownership structures; and considered increasing by $10,000 <br />the Board's appropriation for professional services needed to carry out the assessments and <br />provided direction to the Manager and staff. <br />John Link said that last fall the Board asked staff to begin a process of pursuing due <br />diligence, analyzing the possibility of the County acquiring the Triangle Sportsplex. Part of the <br />interest in acquiring the Sportsplex would be to expand it to include the new Central Orange <br />Senior Center. The Board later approved agreements with Blackman and Sloop, the CPA firm, <br />to look at the present financial status of the Sportsplex, as well as looking at the future potential <br />financial performance. There is also an agreement with Corley, Redfoot, and Zack to conduct a <br />physical condition analysis of the facility. <br />Rod Visser spoke about an additional element of the physical evaluation. He said that <br />they would like to ask the Board's authorization to spend $10,000 more than was authorized for <br />completion of the due diligence analyses. They would like the authorization to be raised to <br />$40,000 to complete the analysis of the ice rink. He emphasized that, other than the <br />authorization for more money, the staff is not asking the Board to make any other decisions on <br />the information that will be presented in this item. All of the situations are hypothetical and the <br />staff is not recommending that the County acquire the Sportsplex or not. <br />Rad Visser said that they are in the middle of ongoing due diligence assessments with <br />Blackman and Sloop looking at ratio and trend analyses an Sportsplex financials, and <br />evaluating potential overhead efficiencies and potential savings that might be derived from the <br />co-location of several different functions at this property. <br />He then explained the ownership structure. The facility could be owned outright by the <br />County orthrough anon-profit, existing or newly created. It may prove to be more efficient and <br />effective far the County to awn the property outright. The financing options would be more <br />flexible and less expensive with an outright ownership. There would be a General Manager <br />position, which would be a contracted position. The responsibilities would include day-to-day <br />management and operations of the overall facility, but not necessarily the programming of the <br />