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with the parks strategic plan. He said that his proposal is aggressive and moves the County <br />away from an era of having large plans that no one can read to something that is more concise <br />and still complex and consistent with the plan aver the last 15 years. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she likes the idea of having a more concise plan. She <br />was involved in 1981 in the comprehensive plan and it makes sense to have these elements. <br />She would like to streamline the process. She was thinking about the existing boards and the <br />people on them and what it would take to have a super board. She suggested having the plans <br />go to the appropriate boards and having an interim report come back to the County <br />Commissioners. She does nat see why a super structure is necessary when the related boards <br />are already in place. <br />Commissioner Jacobs agreed and said that maybe the meetings could be scheduled as <br />part of County Commissioner work sessions over the course of a year and the chairs of the <br />advisory boards could all be invited. <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict said that the framework of a comprehensive plan with <br />the various elements is vast. His interest is that there is a consistent framework. When he <br />came to Orange County there were a lot of things on the shelf and many boards came up with <br />goals and objectives that have never come to fruition. He thinks that there is some validity to <br />creating asuper-element. He hopes to keep the overall planning framework in mind. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that if they follow the model of referring this to standing <br />boards, it needs to be clear that it is a high priority because the boards already have other <br />priorities. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that it is true that these reports come up and nothing <br />happens. There is some good work out there that can be built upon. One example is the water <br />resources work initiated by the Water Resources Committee and the studies performed by the <br />United States Geological Service (USGS). There were three USGS studies completed, and <br />also a Water Resources Committee Report, all of which were completed by 2001. These <br />studies still have not been implemented. The Commission for the Environment is very <br />interested in this and will be coming forward with a Water Resources Initiative in the near future <br />Dave Stancil said that this would fit into phase 2. <br />Craig Benedict said that some of the land use and density issues and minimum lot size <br />requirements reflect some of these previous studies. <br />With nothing further to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. <br />Moses Carey, Jr., Chair <br />Donna S. Baker <br />Clerk to the Board <br />