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system is the Orange County Dispute Settlement Center. He is not suggesting that the County <br />take on these programs, he is just trying to give an early warning that some of these programs <br />will expire if funding is not found. He gave some grant information to the Manager. <br />Chair Carey said that he has worked with Judge Buckner on the justice partnership <br />organization over the last few years and he said that Judge Buckner is going beyond the call of <br />duty to help the County avoid some of the conflicts in the court system among the residents. He <br />believes this is saving the County a lot of money. <br />Chair Carey apologized for his cell phone ringing. He said that he was going to ask the <br />Board tonight to amend the public charge to add an item about cell phones and ask people to <br />turn them off or put them on vibrate. <br />Bob Strayhorn said that ten years ago the Board appointed a committee to look at <br />districting. He was appointed to this committee and they met and reported that districting would <br />be a good thing in Orange County. There was no action taken. He thinks that the Shaping <br />Orange County's Future Task Force had the same conclusion and that electing County <br />Commissioners by district would be a good mane in Orange County. He is following up on this. <br />He has found a great deal of interest in the community, and he brought 1,252 signatures with a <br />resolution in support of districting. He introduced Lawrence Van Hoak, Bob Nutter, and Bill <br />Faison, who have helped him in this endeavor. He said that he knows this is a change, but the <br />rural area really believes that this is needed. They have an endorsement from the Schley <br />Grange, the American Legion of Schley, the Cedar Grove Ruritan Club, the Efland Ruritan Club, <br />and the Exchange Club of Hillsborough. He asked the County Commissioners to give this their <br />deepest consideration. <br />Chair Carey said that when items are brought to the County Commissioners for the first <br />time at this time of the meeting, they refer them to the Manager and ask for a report at a later <br />time. This is an emotional issue. <br />North Carolina House Representative Bill Faison said that there are many ways to <br />choose County Commissioners, and the rural areas in Orange County would like the opportunity <br />to select from their community. He said that this is not an issue of control -Chapel Hill and <br />Carrboro have the largest population within the County and they will always be able to select <br />enough Board members so that area of the Caunty will ultimately control. This is an issue of <br />representation. He knows that this can be done, and he deferred to Geof Gledhill to explain it. <br />He said that people in the rural areas of the County feel disenfranchised because they lack the <br />votes to select someone from their community to serve an the Board of County Commissioners. <br />b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br />{These matters were considered when the Board addressed that item on the agenda <br />below.) <br />3. Board Comments <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that in the last couple of months John Link has recognized <br />County employees. He would like to recognize Jean Riley who answers the phone at the Health <br />Department. He said that she was one of the kindest, most considerate, most courteous people <br />that he has talked to in a long time. He said that she did not even know who he was. He said <br />that he identified himself afterwards and thanked her for being so courteous and he told her that <br />he was going to thank her publicly. He asked John Link to drop a note to Health Director Rosie <br />Summers to tell her that Jean Riley is a wonderful representative of Orange Caunty <br />government. He also thanked Rosie Summers, because when he got his flu shot he found that <br />the Health Department had contracted service with a retired nurse to do the shots. He thought <br />this was a very cost effective way of doing business. <br />