Orange County NC Website
Solid Waste /Landfill <br />Total Solid Waste/Landfill O erationst $14,929,018 <br />Fund $14,929,018 <br />Communit S a /Neuter Fund " "" <br />$3,256,979 <br />Governing and Management <br />Investment Earnings — — <br />Total Communit S a /Neuter Fund <br />Article 46 Sa�Mana Fund <br />$75,000 <br />$75,000 <br />Governin anement <br />Total Article 46 Sales Tax Fund <br />$2, 500, 000 <br />$3,619,554 <br />$2,500,000 <br />Section III. Revenues <br />From General Fund <br />The following fund revenues are estimated to be available during <br />beginning <br />the fiscal <br />July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2013, to meet the fore <br />year <br />oing <br />appropriations: <br />_ Function <br />General Fund - -- -- Appropriation <br />Property Tax ___ <br />Sales Tax -- - - - - -- - -_— <br />$136,928,19_3 <br />Licenses & Permits — — -- — -- — —.----115.742,304 <br />$146,506 <br />Intergovernmental <br />$313,000 <br />Charges for Services - - - -- - - - -- --_j1 <br />3,595,810 <br />_ <br />Investment Earnings -- — - -._ -- <br />$9,292,257 <br />Miscellaneous <br />$105,000 <br />Transfers from Other Funds - -- — - <br />$798,340 <br />Appropria ted Fund Balance <br />From General Fund <br />$2,187,872 <br />Total General Fund <br />Emergency Telephone System Fund <br />$180,00776 <br />2, <br />Charges for Services - - -- <br />$744,873 <br />Appropriated Fund Balance <br />$490,672 <br />_ <br />$0 <br />— oral cmerrgencv Telephone System Fund $490,672 <br />Fire Districts — - — <br />Property Tax <br />Investment Earnings — — <br />$3,608,643 <br />A ropriated Fund Balance — <br />— $0 <br />$10,911 <br />_ Total Fire Districts Fund <br />Section 8 Housin )Fund - - - - -- <br />$3,619,554 <br />Intergovernmental <br />From General Fund <br />- $4,130,645 <br />— - -- <br />$87,319 <br />Total Section 8 Fund <br />Community Develo Fund <br />$4,217,964 <br />pment rg <br />(Uent Repair Program) <br />_ <br />From General Fund <br />- -- <br />$146,506 <br />Total Community Develo ment Fund Ur ent Re air Pro ram <br />$146,506 <br />Community Development Fund (HOME Program) <br />Intergovernmental - -- <br />$490,555 <br />From General Fund -- — <br />$33,651 <br />Total Communit Development Fund HOME Pro ram <br />Communit Develo ment Fund Home /essness Partnershfp <br />$524,206 <br />Program <br />Inter overnmental <br />From General Fund <br />45,238 <br />Total Community lo Deve mentFund Homelessness Partnershi Pro ram <br />28,923 <br />$74,161 <br />Total Community Develo ment Fund Pro rams <br />$744,873 <br />Efland Sewer Operating Fund <br />Char es for Services <br />— <br />From General Fund <br />$203,600 <br />$99,050 <br />_ Total Efland Sewer O erating Fund <br />302,650 <br />Revaluation Fund <br />From General Fund <br />Appropriated Fund Balance <br />$125 ,000 <br />125,525 <br />—_ <br />3 <br />