Orange County NC Website
On 6/4/12, John Roberts <ioroberts(a�>wrote: <br /> Commissioner Gordon, <br /> The assessed tax value of the deck is $594,473. The $2.9 million is the construction cost of <br /> the deck ($5.2 million) less the amount the owners now acknowledge the county has previously <br /> contributed to that cost ($2.3 million). <br /> In order for the County to lawfully engage in a property transfer some conditions must be met <br /> including publication and notice of the values of the properties and the County must receive fair <br /> value for the exchange. <br /> Exchanging $1 million plus two buildings valued at $500,000 for a $594,000 structure is not fair <br /> value. However, such an exchange for a $2.9 million structure would be a fair exchange. The <br /> $594,000 figure is based on an income stream valuation. The $2.9 million figure is based on a <br /> replacement cost valuation. Both are accurate values for those purposes but only the $2.9 <br /> million value can be used in the exchange. 37 years remain on the lease. <br /> John L. Roberts <br /> Orange County Attorney <br /> -----Original Message----- <br /> From: Alice Gordon [mailto:gordon.alice(a).gmail.com1 <br /> Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 11:52 AM <br /> To: John Roberts; Bernadette Pelissier; Alice Gordon; Barry Jacobs; <br /> Earl McKee; Pam Hemminger(External); Steve Yuhasz; Valerie Foushee; <br /> Donna Baker; Frank Clifton; Greg Wilder; Gwen Harvey; Michael Talbert <br /> Cc: Clarence Grier <br /> Subject: Questions/ Comments -Agenda Item 7c- June 5 <br /> John and Clarence, <br /> I had a couple of questions of clarification on item 7-c regarding the parking deck settlement. <br /> The stated value of the deck is given as $2,900,000. What is the assessed valuation of the <br /> deck? The reason I ask is that I thought the value was something just under$600,000. Could <br /> you explain where the $2.9 million value came from? Also, was the approximately$600 K value <br /> what is listed on the tax rolls, or the appraised value, or what? <br /> The resolution states that the county leases approximately 200 parking spaces but does not <br /> give the terms. How many more years remain on the lease? <br /> Thank you. <br /> Alice Gordon <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that until tonight he did not know if he was going to vote for <br /> this or not. He thinks that the County takes things out of sync in the budget process. He <br /> agrees that there might be better uses for this money. He does not agree with committing <br /> another$1 million before making the primary budget decisions. He wants to make sure that the <br /> County has done everything it can to resolve these differences, so he cannot support this item. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 5; Nays, 2 (Commissioner Gordon and Commissioner Jacobs) <br />