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Commissioner Gordon said that depreciation is another issue and how much repair <br />might be needed. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked the staff to ask specific questions of Blackman and <br />Sloop. For example, this past Saturday, December 11th, every parking space at the facility was <br />filled and the roadways were jammed. There must have been some regional swim meet. He <br />asked if this was a good day far them financially and what the events are that bring in revenue. <br />He would like for the CPA review to look at things like this. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked staff to find out who uses the facility, including individuals <br />and groups, and if they are from Orange County. Rod Visser will bring this information. <br />Commissioner Jacobs would like to look at the rate structure and what is charged to <br />citizens, such as seniors. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />authorize the staff to engage a financial business analyst, and other consultants as needed, to <br />conduct due diligence evaluations related to the possible acquisition by the County of the <br />Triangle SportsPlex property, subject to final review by staff and the County Attorney, and <br />authorize the Chair to sign; and authorize the Manager to execute additional professional <br />service contracts as needed, with the total amount for all professional services not to exceed <br />$30,000. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />8. Public Hearings -NONE <br />9. Items far Decision--Regular Agenda <br />a. Southern Orange Senior Center Project Budget <br />The Board considered establishing a budget of $4.1 million to support the facility <br />program far the new 25,000 square foot Southern Orange Senior Center, being developed in <br />collaboration with the Southern Orange Senior Center Planning Committee; and directing staff <br />to bring forward funding options by January 2005, that addresses the construction of both senior <br />centers. <br />Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam Jones said that the purpose of this item <br />is to establish a project budget for the Southern Orange Senior Center. The architect has been <br />working with the Senior Center Planning Committee and staff to design the building. The floor <br />plan is attached to the abstract and it is reflective of what the seniors said that they wanted in a <br />facility. The architect has also worked with the administrative space to identify offices and <br />support space, such as for visiting offices. An additional area that will be programmed in is a <br />clinic area. There may be an opportunity to partner with the hospital in this respect far services. <br />The project an the regulatory side has been reviewed by two groups -the Chapel Hill <br />Community Design Committee and the Chapel Hill Town Council. Both groups were supportive <br />of the direction of the project. There are still many regulatory milestones yet to be achieved. In <br />order to achieve these, there must be a design and a budget far the design. The architect has <br />provided a preliminary budget analysis, which is attached on pages 3-4. The construction total <br />is around $3.9 million, or $156 per square foot. This does not include other various fees, which <br />total $1 million. The overall budget estimate far this project is around $197 per square foot. <br />Staff is recommending that the budget for this senior center be set at $4.1 million. This is a bit <br />less than $197 per square foot. The staff believes that there is significant opportunity to receive <br />some private funding for the construction. The architect has indicated some flexibility in how to <br />construct this building, in that they could build the 25,000 square feet and not totally up fit all of <br />it right away, pending additional funding. <br />