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research team visiting every school in both districts. The meeting in November was a <br />presentation of the preliminary findings. The initial responses were that they were welcomed by <br />bath school systems, but that there are some obvious differences between the school systems <br />in terms of resources and more adult participation in the CHCCS. The team will put together an <br />Executive Summary that will identify the most striking examples of possibilities far resource <br />sharing and the gaps in resources that affect equivalency between the two school systems. <br />The report should be ready before the County Commissioners' planning retreat. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he talked with Dr. Grumet a few weeks ago. He made <br />reference to the increased adult interactions in CHCCS, and said that it probably means paid <br />employees. He said that based on his discussion with Dr. Grumet, one of the most significant <br />findings was the fact that the number of specialists that are hired in the CHCCS is significantly <br />higher than in OCS. He encouraged staff to talk with Dr. Grumet to see what she meant about <br />this. One example is that Carrbora Elementary has over 20 specialists because of the large <br />population of non-English speaking students. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked what the Board was to make of the list because there are <br />some observations and some questions. Rod Visser said that the list is a mixture of all of the <br />questions, observations, and what the group plans to report on. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that when they are struggling with how to identify the <br />significant equity issues, she hopes they are looking at operating expenses, programs, buildings <br />and other capital expenses. <br />Rad Visser said that the finished report would be available the week of January 10tH <br />c. Progress Report from Robert Segal, CPA, for School Efficiency Study <br />The Board received an update from the firm of Robert S. Segal, CPA, PA regarding <br />preliminary findings from an examination of opportunities for achieving budgetary efficiencies in <br />the operations of the two school systems. <br />John Link said that at the joint work session of the two school boards and the County <br />Commissioners on September 27th, there was agreement that it was worthwhile to again <br />engage Robert Segal and his firm to look at possibilities of greater efficiency for both school <br />systems and County government. He was specifically to look at ways to enhance revenue and <br />ways to reduce expenditures. There were three separate contracts with Mr. Segal for each of <br />the three entities. The final report will be ready by mid-January, prior to the retreat. <br />Robert Segal said that they have been working diligently on the revenue and expenses <br />of the two school systems and have done a little bit of work on the County's. <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools: <br />They looked at the telecommunications expense and believe that they can save $67,000 <br />a year on telecommunications. There were two meetings with staff, and there are some big <br />plans for avoice-over IP system. This may affect the recommendation. They found some <br />billing errors on a telephone bill and there is a potential for $28,000 savings a year. CHCCS is <br />due $8,000 an another expense on the phone bills. <br />Regarding North Carolina Sales and Use Tax, review has begun on 2002-2003. It is <br />anticipated that there will be some revenue from this. <br />Cash management review -They have issued a preliminary recommendation based <br />upon assumptions from the school system. Since then, some of those have become not as <br />accurate as hoped. There are some savings here. Finance Director Ken Chavious has a <br />meeting with the banks in January to discuss the possibilities. <br />Natural gas -Two of the schools are large enough and use enough natural gas that they <br />can buy transmission gas, which saves about $7,000 a year. <br />Orange County Schools: <br />